A random suggestion. You should add a password to your private ssh key. Why? If someone steals your key, they won’t be able to do anything without the password.
You should run: ssh-keygen -p
And remember to make a backup copy of key file. As a developer, it is a one of the most valuable files on your computer.
Got my teeth cleaned professionally today and I am still feeling it. Recommendation is that I use an electric toothbrush… Health over sustainability I suppose.
Interesting where Goryon saves current logged account? Because if i kill app it will logout me :(. Save i noticed with IndiePass but it logout me in random moment (or maybe same after killed)
👋 Hello @emily0824@txt.sour.is, welcome to txt.sour.is, a Yarn.social Pod! To get started you may want to check out the pod’s Discover feed to find users to follow and interact with. To follow new users, use the ⨁ Follow
button on their profile page or use the Follow form and enter a Twtxt URL. You may also find other feeds of interest via Feeds. Welcome! 🤗
squirrel report: my tan-ear-tuffed friend has survived the -25 degree cold days, to my relief
Die Bastelei am TxtwtReader geht gut voran. Neben diversen Filtern und Ansichten werden Unterhaltungen nun schön strukturiert angezeigt. Jetzt müsste ich mich auch mal um das Verfassen von Einträgen kümmern. Wenn ich mit dem Projekt zufrieden bin, lasse ich es vielleicht auch auf die Welt los. #OpenSource
Das Küchenradio (Sagem - My Dual Radio 700) gibt wieder Töne von sich! Der XML-Parser von dem Ding ist sowas von hinüber. Die “Fertiglösungen” YCast und YTuner haben ein zu ordentliches XML erstellt. Per Trial and Error habe ich dann die Formatierung gefunden, die die olle Kiste braucht. 🥳
Keep breathing and stay cool.
hmmm? 🤔
fucking shotcut keeps crashing on start what did i DOOOOO
Does anyone here write in a Lisp dialect? #clojure #commonlisp #lisp
damn it i got so excited because bleeding cool ran an article with a title like ‘all of DC april solicits so far’ and i did not read the ‘so far’ part and clicked it excitedly hoping to see all the april solicits but they’re out next week or something T__T
Israel and Hamas agree to ceasefire + 3 more stories
Scientists showcase new antimony atom method in quantum computing; UK leader signs treaty with Ukraine enhancing security; Israel and Hamas agree on ceasefire and hostages; SpaceX launches Falcon 9 with lunar landers for commercial missions. ⌘ Read more
Heute geht es ins Kino zu Nosferatu. Die Murnau-Adaption von Bram Stoker’s Dracula scheint, laut Trailer, hier Pate gestanden zu haben. Ich lasse mich überraschen. 🦇
No Calls
Article URL: https://keygen.sh/blog/no-calls/
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42725385
Points: 511
# Comments: 138 ⌘ Read more
I have no idea what happened in/around instagram but, Holly Shi_ !! People have been pouring out of it and into #Pixelfed for hours now. 😆 way to go #Fedi
i missed web design but i did not miss coding
Wussup twtxt I’m rolling cigarettes (I don’t smoke) (I think it’s funny) (it’s like crocheting a scarf when you don’t wear scarves)
Nun habe ich mir einen eigenen webbasierten TwtxtReader erstellt. PHP-basiert mit Phpfastcache, Fluid Template Engine und asynchronen cUrl-Requests für die abonierten Feeds. Inspiriert durch Timeline von @sorenpeter@darch.dk
@prologic@twtxt.net uhhh what happened to search.twtxt.net
I have said this before, but since I have been back on #IRC I am talking to a lot of interesting people.
Can you recommend some channels on Libera?
@prologic@twtxt.net Is it possible to make Pull Request on twtxt.dev ?
I am now using Streamlit at work to build admin interfaces and some internal application. It’s amazing! I recommend it
Learned a new word today!
Gotta get punker
So Go lang is at a funny version huh’ v1.23.4
will there ever be a v1.23.45678? 🫠🤡
Hello again, spent a long time inactive!
Enron.com Announces Pre-Orders for Egg-Shaped Home Nuclear Reactor
“Nuclear you can trust,” reads the web page promoting “The Egg, an at home nuclear reactor.”
Yes, Enron.com is now announcing “a micro-nuclear reactor made to power your home.” (A quick reminder from CNN in December. “A company that makes T-shirts bought the Enron trademark and appears to be trying to sell some merch on behalf of the g … ⌘ Read more
Finally my (web/txt)mention sender ready. Receiver i’m borrow from sorenpeter’s timeline
OpenAI’s Bot Crushes Seven-Person Company’s Website ‘Like a DDoS Attack’
An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: On Saturday, Triplegangers CEO Oleksandr Tomchuk was alerted that his company’s e-commerce site was down. It looked to be some kind of distributed denial-of-service attack. He soon discovered the culprit was a bot from OpenAI that was relentlessly attempting to scrape his entire, en … ⌘ Read more
I’m sharing new developments on the client. I now have a more stable timeline. The first version will appear in the next few weeks.
Zuckerberg: Apple ‘Hasn’t Invented Anything Great in a While’
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg criticized Apple’s innovation record and business practices in a Joe Rogan podcast interview on January 10, claiming the iPhone maker has not “invented anything great in a while” and is “just sitting” on its flagship product 20 years after Steve Jobs created it.
Zuckerberg accused Apple of using arbitrary App Store rules and 30% … ⌘ Read more
Testing … (yeah!)
I’m so hot when I do things with fabric no sensible person would do
Wow, what a busy month-and-a-third it’s been. Between family health issues and my own injuries, I’m finally getting a bit of a decent breather.
2025 has been off to a perfect start. /s
This is the first screenshot, a simple timeline I’m using to check the fields. Now I’m working on some details: avatar cache, relative dates, simple thread, etc.
Hello @movq@uninformativ.de . Did you fixed jenny bug which causes fetching long ids from yarn instances on feeds like https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt ? I’m asking because i want to store links in brackets on some of my posts and don’t want to confuse jenny users
not someone on here actually visiting my website haha
‘Omi’ Wants To Boost Your Productivity Using AI and a ‘Brain Interface’
An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: San Francisco startup Based Hardware announced during the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week the launch of a new AI wearable, Omi, to boost productivity. The device can be worn as a necklace where Omi’s AI assistant can be activated by saying “Hey Omi.” The startup a … ⌘ Read more
Heute gab es mal wieder eine Netzwerkveranstaltung / LAN-Party. Mit feinen Leuten einfach nur daddeln, Pizza essen und Bier trinken. Toll!
Your favourite social media platform should not be where you get your facts from. You get jokes and share with your friends, but facts they ain’t. Get your world news from actual news sources instead.
Happy New Year to the readers of my little Twtxt feed! Wishing you and are your family all the best.
Simple scrobbler should count when I listen to a song 10 times in a row
Religious Leaders Experiment With AI In Sermons
An anonymous reader quotes a report from the New York Times: To members of his synagogue, the voice that played over the speakers of Congregation Emanu El in Houston sounded just like Rabbi Josh Fixler’s. In the same steady rhythm his congregation had grown used to, the voice delivered a sermon about what it meant to be a neighbor in the age of artificial intelligence. Then, Rabbi Fix … ⌘ Read more
oh this shit is so cute i love it
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz hey kat!
I’m still making progress with the Emacs client. I’m proud to say that the code that is responsible for reading the feeds is almost finished, including: Twt Hash Extension, Twt Subject Extension, Multiline Extension and Metadata Extension. I’m fine-tuning some tests and will soon do the first buffer that displays the twts.
Oh, to live in a cozy cabin on a hill, spending my days laying in the grass & birdwatching. The dream. Brushing ants & ticks off me isn’t fun, but I’d be willing to sacrifice.
I keep forgetting how much socialization with people I actually like really helps ease up my depression for a bit.