If you’re using jenny on Python 3.12, it will spit out a deprecation warning regarding datetime.utcnow(). This will be fixed in the next release.

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Et tant que j’y suis, quel meilleur support pour du stockage à long terme? HDD? Carte SD? (on oublie le CD, il faut un lecteur/graveur)

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Quel format de fichier choisir pour stocker des fichiers sur le long terme? Pour l’instant, j’ai FAT32, mais la limite des 4G va devenir un problème lorsque je vais refaire ma filmothèque… Des conseils?

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I’m still figuring out interactions mechanics on Twtxt, for example the at symbol is sufficient to mention someone you follow I guess, like @twtxt@buckket.org when using the twtwt cli. is that implemented in the twtxt cli as well? it wouldn’t heart to try

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I took advantage of the last sunny, but also 25°C hot day and hiked in the woods. It was so much more pleasant in the forest than out in the sun. The wind could have been a long stronger with that heat. I was completely soaked.

At one point I thought I better grab my camera out of my backpack, so whenever something comes up, I’m ready. But I was too lazy and thought, well, I just wait until there is a nice subject and keep going instead. No joke, ten meters further I came across two squirrels. A red and a brown one, sitting on a tree at just one and three meters height two meters away from me. If I only had unpacked my bloody cam a few seconds ago! I just watched them sit on the tree and then tried to slowly strip my backpack and grad the cam. It was still booting up when they decided it was enough sitting around and climbed higher. What a silly move on my end, damn.

I tried to improvise some Lyse Street View, but felt really uncomfortable to photograph other people’s houses. Somehow my cam produced sooo many blurred shots on the way up still away from the village, it’s unbelievable. I scrapped nearly the entire project. Only very few survived. There were heaps of people on the mountain summit, so I quickly left again.



Looking forward to next week’s rain and temperature drop to 16°C or even 8°C.

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Esses dias fiz meu primeiro bug report no NixOS, o twtxt apesar de estar no repositório oficial vinha quebrado, consegui compilar uma versão aqui em casa e reportei o bug. Tweetei agora após um atualização dos sitema, o pacote já novinho em folha.

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CVE-2024-2887 -> Já atualizou seu navegador? Recentemente foi reportado uma falha no webassembly no client-side em navegadores baseados no chromium, podendo executar códigos na maquina, bypassando o sandbox!

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@s4rag0ldman@vaporhole.xyz eu também já formatei bastante, vou até adicionar uma parte que esqueci no meu relato. Como o NixOS é construído a partir de uma fonte escrita em linguagem nix, meu sistema anterior tava praticamente salvo o registro, um comando de terminal e eu tinha tudo de volta. Já tá la no meu gopher a história quase toda.

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