@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org @bender@twtxt.net The funny thing is, this person, is still trying to convince me to go to this thing. I don’t even know wut da fuq it is?! Do they smoke peace pipes or something? Is it a hooker joint or something?! I have no idea 🤷
One of the things I love about Plan 9 is how the interfaces make this possible: add snapshots to any block storage, at the kernel level, in less than 700 lines of code. http://9p.io/sources/contrib/blstuart/snap/devsnap.c
@thecanine@twtxt.net All I can think of when I hear “Jira” is this: https://movq.de/v/d2854fc472/hiccupfx/ 🤪😭
@thecanine@twtxt.net Some precious cloud space. Probably the Atlassian one.
How does one end up with an avatar of that weird size to begin with? :-D
@falsifian@www.falsifian.org Do you want me to reconfigure my nginx to look at the User-Agent
in order to serve you a different file for the time being? ;-) Good luck with your paper!
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Open-plan offices are just a giant mistake. I’ve never seen a single working one where people can actually concentrate. Except when I was the first one around in the morning.
@prologic@twtxt.net @bender@twtxt.net Looks like something for /dev/null.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Same 😢
Super tired lately and not doing much on the programming front. 🫤
@arne@uplegger.eu Der Real-O-Mat ging neulich auch rum: https://real-o-mat.de/ (Ändert bei mir im Ergebnis nix, die Antworten/Begründungen sind aber interessant(er).)
Der Wahl-O-Mat zur Bundestagswahl 2025 ist da!
@bender@twtxt.net I’m really not sure wtf happened tbh 🤣
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net seems like you showed interest on some Snake Oil kumbayah. LOL.
Hi James, great to hear your interest. So this is an exclusive roundtable luncheon with people in the IT, Engineering, DevOps and Technical professionals. This is an opportunity to benchmark and share stories and experiences with like-minded peers in a closed-door, Chatham House Rule environment where you will be given the opportunity to speak openly and candidly.
I’m not even sure what half these words mean hmm 🧐
@falsifian@www.falsifian.org deal, I will stop writing twtxts for the next 96 hours (giving you some extra buffer there)!
Robert is predicting more terrible weather funneled into the top end.
I have a paper deadline coming up, so will everyone please stop writing twts for the next 48 hours, thanks.
. Submitting this writes @<domain url>
instead of @<nick url>
in the feed.
While I now have a somewhat working fix for it in yarnd (https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/pulls/1232), I also have the feeling that I should fix literal formatting in lextwt as well. This also uncovered more bugs I believe: https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/go-lextwt/pulls/28
But then there is also the question why the textarea is populated with @<url>
in the first place rather than @<nick url>
or yarnd’s own @nick@domain
syntax. It indeed has to do something with whether I follow the mentioned feed or not.
Anyway, something to investigate for future Lyse or maybe @prologic@twtxt.net and/or @xuu@txt.sour.is. G’night!
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Yep, the noise levels are super annoying. But that’s just how it is. I’m noisy myself – and it’s equally annoying to try to keep everything super quiet. 😂
@jost@jost.sdfeu.org Hmm, not really, no. Could you share your mutt config? (Are you using mutt?) Feel free to send me an email, if doing this over twtxt doesn’t work (yet). You can find the address on https://www.uninformativ.de/contact.html ✌️
. Submitting this writes @<domain url>
instead of @<nick url>
in the feed.
Righto, must be some caching thing that’s going on, too. Now, with JS enabled and a feed that I follow, hitting “Reply” actually automatically enters @nick@domain
in the textarea. Submitting it correctly writes “@in the feed. Let's dig…
@bender@twtxt.net @prologic@twtxt.net I can reproduce this locally, too. But it doesn’t matter if I follow the feed or not. With JS enabled, hitting “Reply” opens a textarea with @<url>
. Submitting this writes @<domain url>
instead of @<nick url>
in the feed.
However, when I have JS disabled, “Reply” jumps to the top of the page, but the the textarea is at the bottom. So, after scrolling down, the textarea is not filled with anything. Which is expected I reckon. Entering @nick@domain
or just @nick
resolves to the correct @<nick url>
in the feed.
@prologic@twtxt.net @movq@www.uninformativ.de I sadly agree.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Whether in the office or at home, I get nothing done. ;-) Well, while this is almost true, I actually tried to respond to the other thread I started myself, but starting the editor it switched immediately to this one. Any idea why this happens?
@movq@www.uninformativ.de So true! Either I’m hanging around with my direct teammates socializing in person in a meeting room or some other workmates are making so much noise in the open-plan office that I cannot concentrate at all. In any case, completely unproductive. :-D Luckily, I very rarely have to go to the office.
Every time I go to the office, I get nothing done. Unbelievable.
@prologic@twtxt.net … which is one of the most shameful things of our times, if not the most shameful.
@jost@jost.sdfeu.org I think the tutorial at https://www.uninformativ.de/blog/postings/2021-09-19/0/POSTING-en.html should still be applicable. 🤔
Nobody that does good things earns a lot of money.
@hacker-news-newest@feeds.twtxt.net Blah blah blah AI opinion blah blah
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Bahahahahahahaha 🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🙌😆🙌
@jost@jost.sdfeu.org Reach out to @movq@www.uninformativ.de 🤗
Thanks for your replies to my ‘Hello World’. Seems I can post but not reply myself. Using jenny, who isn’t as gentle as the name suggests ;-) I’ll figure it out.
My hike today started off with a nice great spotted woodpecker right after the town sign. The -1°C didn’t feel all that cold in the sun. Even on the flat, I had to open my jacket with the sun on my back. The biotope got dug over, that’s now looking really sad. And they also fell a few large chestnuts. Surprisingly, there was actually snow on the mountain. Not much, maybe around three centimeters at most. It was melting and falling down the trees, which looked really cool. I enjoyed it a lot: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2025-02-04/
@bender@twtxt.net Bwhahahahaaaahaaaahaaaaahaaaaaaa! :-D Oh man, my cheeks are hurting and eyes are watering. :-D I love it!
@falsifian@www.falsifian.org Yes! The first part about the history was my favorite. Not that the second one about finding life on Mars wasn’t interesting, no, not at all! But maybe it’s just that Earth is a bit more relatable. :-) I’m sure they will dig up something eventually.
@eapl.me@eapl.me Hahahahaa, this is truly brilliant! :-D The file descriptor slider is funny as heck! :-D
Chat is a bad UI pattern for development tools
Article URL: https://danieldelaney.net/chat/
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@bender@twtxt.net So to be clear, you’re just hitting Reply that this is getting written into your feed? 🤔
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net pretty cool, thanks! (this is also a test; I used to follow you, I unfollowed to see how my reply mention shows).
@twtxt.net@twtxt.net right. I don’t follow you. I will restart following you once Yarn has fixed this problem. :-P
@bender@twtxt.net da hell? You somehow wrote this as:
$ bat https://twtxt.net/twt/mxszcva | jq -r '.text'
(#c4tigxa) @<twtxt.net https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt> Octal 31 = Decimal 25
in your feed? 🤔