In-reply-to » @lyse and @movq and possibly @aelaraji and even @cuaxolotl -- I'm very curious to understand and hear thoughts, pros and cons or other feelings about introducing the notation of a feed's identify using cryptography? If we were to keep things simple, and use what's commonly available, for example SSH ED25519 keys? using the ssh-keygen -Y sign or ssh-keygen -Y verify tools already available? Maybe in combination with @xuu 's idea of generating a random unique ID for your feed, say # id = and signing it with your ED25519 key? 🔑 I’m very torn on this.

It’s a cool idea and it’s cool technology. It would (probably) even be fun to implement.

But do we need it? Or rather, does twtxt need it? What problem are you trying to solve – are people migrating their feeds to new URLs all the time? 🤔 That’s rather rare in my experience. The URL as the primary identifier of a feed works fine for me.

Maybe I just don’t understand the problem well enough yet? 🤔

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