In-reply-to » @lyse and @movq and possibly @aelaraji and even @cuaxolotl -- I'm very curious to understand and hear thoughts, pros and cons or other feelings about introducing the notation of a feed's identify using cryptography? If we were to keep things simple, and use what's commonly available, for example SSH ED25519 keys? using the ssh-keygen -Y sign or ssh-keygen -Y verify tools already available? Maybe in combination with @xuu 's idea of generating a random unique ID for your feed, say # id = and signing it with your ED25519 key? πŸ”‘ No that’s okay. I happen to agree with you really, I just wanted to get a bit of a vibe on using cryptography in general and the idea of signing feeds. It’s not particularly about a problem being solved, just gauging your opinions/thoughts on this πŸ‘Œ

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