In-reply-to » my camcorder battery & mini dvds came in the mail so i did a test recording! it's so cool i love the crap quality. i do hope the memory stick arrives soon though because for the discs i can't get them on my computer (not even a rom drive filesystem mount) without "finalizing" the disc which is like an old camcorder thing. i still think i'll prefer disc recording though even if a limit of 30 minutes (or longer for lower quality) is strict. i like limitations like that i also like the separation inherent with using dedicated devices. like i have a DAP, a fiio X1 ii from 2019, and it’s still going strong. it’s perfect for on the go music listening and i never have to worry about like going somewhere with no reception and the music drops out. it’s all local AND the battery lasts longer because i’m not using wi-fi or bluetooth or data. also i can directly access the file system and just add files anytime. this goes for my point & shoot and other devices too. i love this shit i’m such a nerd

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