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Recent twts from thecanine

I’ll have to disappoint you, not properly joining the Christmas profile picture thing, for the second year in the row.

This year in fact countering it, with a profile picture wearing sunglasses. Hopefully at least the Australian users, have my back with this one.


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Omg! I’m always playing on those pixel placing canvases, where it’s usually an endless war of factions or just things being attacked for no reason, but now someone did the most wholesome thing imaginable and drew another inugami facing mine and drew them shaking paws.


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Oh god, If I don’t repent for my sins and end up in hell - I’m pretty sure part of my punishment will be having to watch the Discord soydevs, attempt to program an Android file picker in RN, for all of eternity - as it will never be accomplished. All while I scream at them in pure agony, far greater than the one caused by my skin melting in lava.

You have to have a photo (cannot be an image, even if the extension is the same) in a specific directory, taken by the phones camera, for this file picker to function. How is code this bad even possible, unless it’s on purpose.

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So the news is telling me, Bluesky is the hottest new decentralized thing, with parole waiting month to join, or buying invite codes of ebay, for thousands of dollars.

Yet there’s not one other instance out there, for people to join this decentralized paradise. Idk, just sounds a little sussy to me.

I know there was, but when people tried joining it, they cried “abuse” and shut it down - so no, it doesn’t count.

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Quite predictably, the introduction of Chat GPT, has led to even more browser bloat. 🎉



Also since I’m already bringing up opera - I have genuinely no idea, what their dev team is smoking, as all their additions this year, have been this desperate:


From some cashback scam and TikTok integration…


…all the way to some “lonely men bait” and adding NFTs - a full year, after everyone stopped caring.

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I still have great memories, of playing Club Penguin as a child, or even playing it on a few private servers, at times, as a nostalgia-filled adult, after Disney destroyed and took down the original. Sadly most of those servers were either too obscure, broken, or not obscure enough, to avoid Disneys lawyers.

I was mildly excited, when I heard about a 3D sequel, made by some of the people, behind the original game (before Disney bought it), but this is suspicious at best.

Even if you made the funny penguin game from my childhood, I will not give you my social security number, nor my credit card info, to play the new one and I hope not many others will either.


*The sequel is called “Party Parrot World” and requires a “verified Hideaway account”, if you want to play it, or try some other two game things, that they are currently working on.

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I said, I don’t want to hear any more Trump news, but seeing he’s still seething in all caps and some invalid characters, on his isolated bootleg site, made me chuckle.


The only way, this could get more pathetic, is if he starts spamming 5 emojis, after every word. 😂

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To my surprise, some AI companies, might have to face the consequences of their art theft afterall. While the legal and corporate world, still couldn’t give less of a shit about the small artists, stability ai made the critical mistake, of using the ever so precious bland and generic stock images. Those are owned by companies, who for obvious reasons, hate AI, have extremely deep pockets and access to the right kind of lawyers.

They also have one other key advantage, that could win them the case. By slapping their watermark on millions of images, in the exact same place, the AI will start putting distorted versions of it, onto some images. Therefore, they can argue damage to their reputation, with evidence, to back it up.

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Another month, another pixelart! This time it’s actually not a canine, but a strange scenery, made using the PICO 8 color palette.

The only thing shared between this and the last art, is both being “slightly YIIK inspired”.


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My hot take, adding to the banks vs crypto debate, happening here:

While banks in most countries, can be trusted, what I find more alarming, is there being only two companies (MaserCard a Visa), who handle international money transfers - both having ToS, that allow them to blacklist you, without even giving you the reason, why that decision was made. They are also both ran out of the same country.

I’m not saying crypto is the solution, competition is! Anything even close to a monopoly, in any field, should make people worried. There should also be no second chances, for the companies, institutions, or governments, cough mishandling peoples money.

PayPal withheld funds for unreasonably long and charged illegal and unjustifiable random fines, that earned them a class action lawsuit. No-one should do business, with a company this scummy and I immediately demanded, that they delete my account, when I found out this was happening.

Lastly, say what you will, about the protests of Canadian truckers. I don’t fully endorse, what they did (both sides made mistakes, in this conflict), but if my government withheld money, from anyone, over protests, I’d definitely not feel safe, knowing people like that, can touch all my money.

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Just days after integrates ActivityPub into Yarn, Facebook comes out with plans to do the same (at least according to Twitter jurnos):

There’s no escape Prologic, Facebook will find you in the end…
Don’t be sad, I know you will
But don’t give up until
Facebook will find you in the end

*Help, I can’t stop with the stupid lyrics gimmick, while posting here. 😅

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The Nostr protocol really is a cryptobros wet dream. On Amethyst (the Android client), every account automatically gets a pointless blue checkmark - before it even has a name. You get the promise of free speech, in the marketing, but in reality, that predictably translates to bots, spamming vague porn ads and other suspicious links, new users begging for followers for a follow in return and most prominent of all, the people utilizing the great feature, to beg for cryptocoin change, without doing anything else and not getting any.

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The Nostr protocol really is a cryptobros wet dream. On Amethyst (the Android client), every account automatically gets a pointless blue checkmark - before it even has a name. You get the promise of free speech, I’m the marketing, but in reality, that predictably translates to bots, spamming vague porn ads and other suspicious links, new users begging for followers for a follow in return and most prominent of all, the people utilizing the great feature, to beg for cryptocoin change, without doing anything else and not getting any.

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