I’ve decided (finally) to unfollow the Slashdot feed and no-longer bother ever visiting the site or read any of it’s content. Why? Because Slashdot in their infinite wisdom have decided to employ tactics that make it difficult to use their site without ad-blokers:

This page could not be loaded properly due to incorrect / bad filtering rule(s) of adblockers in use. Please disable all adblockers to continue using the website. (click OK if you’d like to learn more)

I can respect this; but I can also just as easily choose never to visit your site again.

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I just blocked an ip from the microsoft asn(network) a single ip responsible for dosing a bunch of really old web servers i used to have about ~15 years or more ago 🤦‍♂️ ive sent microsofts abuse contact another email. my gawd 🤣

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In-reply-to » @lyse /Me throws his keyboard off to the side, grabs his camera just in case and runs upstairs screaming "Yeah! Science B_ !"

@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Nice! 🥳

And thanks for the reminder! I forgot, of course. But I had a quick look now and got to see Saturn and its (currently very flat) rings. This never gets old, always blows my mind. Looks like a scifi movie. 😃

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In-reply-to » 🤔 Prosoal: Disallowed the @<url> form of mentions. Strictly require that all mentions include a nickname/name; i.e: @<name url>.

@prologic@twtxt.net I say we should find a way to support mentions with only url, no nick, as per the original spec.

  • For @<nick url> we already got support
  • For @<nick> the posting client should expand it to @<nick url>, if not then the reading client should just render it as @nick with no link.
  • For @<url> the sending client should try to expand it to @<nick url>, if not then the reading client should try to find or construct a nick base on:
    1. Look in twtxt.txt for a nick =
    2. Use (sub)domain from URL
    3. Use folder or file name from URL

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In-reply-to » WordPress.org Accounts Deactivated for Contributors Said to Be Planning a Fork - by Automattic CEO WordPress co-creator (and Automattic CEO) Matt Mullenweg "has deactivated the accounts of several WordPress.org community members," reports TechCrunch, "some of whom have been spearheading a push to create a new fork of the open source WordPress project."

@shreyan@twtxt.net Yeah the guy seems quite mad and hell bent on destroying his reputation and his project 🤦‍♂️

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