@eapl.me@eapl.me Sorry to disappoint you. 😅 https://movq.de/v/2c13d7a75c/s.png
@andros@twtxt.andros.dev … I hope they pay you enough for this horrible task. 😂
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Ja, nein, abbrechen? Wie, was? Was machen Sachen? 😂
How it’s going? This is how it’s going: https://movq.de/v/b744b63cc1/oh-fuck-sleep.mp4
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org lagrange for Gemini and lynx for Gopher (but lagrange also supports Gopher). I never ran a Gemini server myself. 🤔
file. only noticed it because the OpenAI bot was hitting me with a lot of nonsensical requests. here is the list from last month:
(I keep thinking that going back go Gopher or Gemini might be a good idea at this point. They don’t care about that, probably. 🫣)
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Not that extreme but something along these lines, yeah. 🥴
Saw Windows 11 for the first time today and genuinely had to ask if this is really Windows. Looks a lot like KDE.
(At first, I thought the touchpad of that laptop was broken, because a right click on the desktop didn’t do anything. But it worked just fine. It just takes ~10 seconds for the popup to show.)
@jost@jost.sdfeu.org Happens to everybody. 😂 Well, except for a few people. I have this colleague at work who remembers everything. It’s scary. 😅
One week of not tinkering with my OS and I’ve already forgot ~80% of it. 🙄
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org So it’s an improvement, eh? 😅
@prologic@twtxt.net I hope that’s enough to get you through … the next 5 minutes. 🤣
I’ve seen people refer to themselves as “Quakers” and I thought, “yeah, I liked those games, too!” But apparently, they mean something else. 😬 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quakers
@doesnmppsflt@doesnm.p.psf.lt Ha! I’m gonna save that one. 😃
@prologic@twtxt.net For long have you been trying to contact MS now? What was this about again? 😅
@thecanine@twtxt.net All I can think of when I hear “Jira” is this: https://movq.de/v/d2854fc472/hiccupfx/ 🤪😭
Super tired lately and not doing much on the programming front. 🫤
@arne@uplegger.eu Der Real-O-Mat ging neulich auch rum: https://real-o-mat.de/ (Ändert bei mir im Ergebnis nix, die Antworten/Begründungen sind aber interessant(er).)
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Yep, the noise levels are super annoying. But that’s just how it is. I’m noisy myself – and it’s equally annoying to try to keep everything super quiet. 😂
@jost@jost.sdfeu.org Hmm, not really, no. Could you share your mutt config? (Are you using mutt?) Feel free to send me an email, if doing this over twtxt doesn’t work (yet). You can find the address on https://www.uninformativ.de/contact.html ✌️
Every time I go to the office, I get nothing done. Unbelievable.
@prologic@twtxt.net … which is one of the most shameful things of our times, if not the most shameful.
@jost@jost.sdfeu.org I think the tutorial at https://www.uninformativ.de/blog/postings/2021-09-19/0/POSTING-en.html should still be applicable. 🤔
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Oh, nice, an unexpected ISS visit! 😃 How bad is the light pollution in your area? I could imagine that you have rather clear skies. 🤔
@prologic@twtxt.net 31 (octal) is 25 (decimal). 😅
@prologic@twtxt.net It is, yep. 🌙
@prologic@twtxt.net I’m gonna give you a hint: Octal, decimal. 😅
View from my window last evening:
Moon, Venus, an airplane in the top left corner, wind parks in the distance.
(This is already too much for a standard camera. The moon is super bright, the rest is not. Guess I should go HDR some day?)
@prologic@twtxt.net It’s surprisingly honest here, isn’t it? It mimics some patterns of thinking. Period.
@prologic@twtxt.net Did you get the joke? 😏