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Recent twts from xuu
In-reply-to » (#eqgicaq) @3r1c I think I’m gonna like that blog. 😅 https://unixdigest.com/articles/is-the-madness-ever-going-to-end.html

I am reminded of this when I look at entire forks of vscode just to add a LLM code completion assistant.

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In-reply-to » @prologic I’m sure you can somehow install something that calculates blake2b on OpenBSD. But it’s not part of the base system as a standalone CLI tool, there only appear to be Perl modules for it. The other SHA tools do exist.

@movq@www.uninformativ.de i’m sorry if I sound too contrarian. I’m not a fan of using an obscure hash as well. The problem is that of future and backward compatibility. If we change to sha256 or another we don’t just need to support sha256. But need to now support both sha256 AND blake2b. Or we devide the community. Users of some clients will still use the old algorithm and get left behind.

Really we should all think hard about how changes will break things and if those breakages are acceptable.

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In-reply-to » @prologic I wanted to wait for things to settle down. It’s still unclear to me in which direction we’re going – and if that new/different stuff is even possible to implement in jenny. That said, I’ve been really busy with private stuff these last few days, I’ve lost track of most of what you’re discussing. 🥴

I share I did write up an algorithm for it at some point I think it is lost in a git comment someplace. I’ll put together a pseudo/go code this week.

Super simple:

Making a reply:

  1. If yarn has one use that. (Maybe do collision check?)
  2. Make hash of twt raw no truncation.
  3. Check local cache for shortest without collision
    • in SQL: select len(subject) where head_full_hash like subject || '%'


  1. Get full hash of head twt
  2. Search for twts
    • in SQL: head_full_hash like subject || '%' and created_on > head_timestamp

The assumption being replies will be for the most recent head. If replying to an older one it will use a longer hash.

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In-reply-to » @prologic I’m sure you can somehow install something that calculates blake2b on OpenBSD. But it’s not part of the base system as a standalone CLI tool, there only appear to be Perl modules for it. The other SHA tools do exist.

I mean sure if i want to run it over on my tooth brush why not use something that is accessible everywhere like md5? crc32? It was chosen a long while back and the only benefit in changing now is “i cant find an implementation for x” when the down side is it breaks all existing threads. so…

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In-reply-to » Had to build a list of all feeds (that I follow) and all twts in them and there are two collisions already:

These collisions aren’t important unless someone tries to fork. So.. for the vast majority its not a big deal. Using the grow hash algorithm could inform the client to add another char when they fork.

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