
"Problems are Solved by Method" 🇦🇺👨‍💻👨‍🦯🏹♔ 🏓⚯ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🛥 -- James Mills (operator of / creator of 🧶)

Recent twts from prologic
In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

Hopefully you should see traffic die off a bit too as the /external endpoint is no longer externally abusable (get it) without being an authenticated user – which became problematic 🤦‍♂️ – The web is so fucking hostile 🤬

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

@abucci Hopefully it shouldn’t 🤞

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

@abucci Fuck that script 🤣 you’re good! Just follow the Build from Source docs 😅

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I had a play with LiveKit Agents Playground: KITT and I have to say it’s pretty impressive. Not the ChatGPT part of course, but the speech recognition and text to speech synthesis.

KITT is an AI voice assistant powered by LiveKit Agents, Deepgram, Eleven Labs, and ChatGPT. It is running on LiveKit Playground.

It’s too bad it relies on three cloud services, none of which can be run locally (with the exception of Ollama that you could replace the OpenAI component with).

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In-reply-to » Went for a walk onto my backyard mountain again and ate the first three wild blackberries of the season. Watching the sunset unfold from the summit was quite spectacular. The solar disk was glowing extremely blood red. The photos show it way too white, though. Man gotta love that sunset !!! So nice 😊

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In-reply-to » @prologic hm, it seems to be full disk that's the issue, same problem with the avatar in tmp it seems that's mentioned earlier here. I deleted them now. I regained 33% space (9GB).

You should have the fancy new SPA-like UI too 😅 (just checked!)

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In-reply-to » @prologic hm, it seems to be full disk that's the issue, same problem with the avatar in tmp it seems that's mentioned earlier here. I deleted them now. I regained 33% space (9GB).

You are reminding me that I should cut a release soon™ so there are binaires you can just “download” and use for the platform of choice 😅

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In-reply-to » @prologic hm, it seems to be full disk that's the issue, same problem with the avatar in tmp it seems that's mentioned earlier here. I deleted them now. I regained 33% space (9GB). So make deps would have installed some tools in either $GOPATH/bin or $GOBIN. See which with go env. Chuck that in your $PATH and you’re good to run make server. Normally this would be something like:


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In-reply-to » @bender Thank you :) Yeah I've been silent for a while, been so much work and other things to focus on, but now I have vacation, so I missed this place, and wanted to bring it up to speed here as well :) I’m doing okay 👌 Busy with work as you can imagine, and still tinkering of course whenever I can spare a moment or two! 😅

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

For example this one that got fixed this year:

commit 4304ec7ea3c5df95e0ed82bfa292c9330e342f61
Author: James Mills <>
Date:   Mon Jan 24 00:10:33 2022 +0000

    Fix bug in DownloadImage() leaking termporary files for external avatar downloads (#746)

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

I also think you may be running a version that had a bug and lacked cleanup of those temp files

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

At work right now so will have more concrete details in a few hours from now

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

@abucci I will have a look but I suspect it has something to do with the open nature of the external endpoint. I closed this loophole recently due to other reasons myself.

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

@abucci Please update!

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

@abucci What revision are you running?

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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services.

@abucci Wer that’s a bug!

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In-reply-to » Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines - YouTube -- This is a really good accurate and comical take on what happened with this whole Crowdstrike global fuck up. so in other words, their own entire sections of global industries that are using this rubbish crowd, strike antivirus/endpoint detection, piece of crap that are infection effectively in violation of the terms of conditions of the service? 🤔

That’s some good sleuth thing that 🙇‍♂️

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In-reply-to » @movq I do that constantly, on the Fediverse. I often type long replies, disagreeing, or agreeing with someone, read it over and over, just to realise there isn’t anything to gain by it, and scrape it. sometimes having the open honest and transparent conversation and discussion is more valuable than anything to be individually gained. 😅 it helps us learn!

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In-reply-to » @lyse What about "Click to Load"? So you neither like “Click to Load” nor “Infinite Scroll” eh? I mean I sort of get it, infinite scroll is kind of annoying as you never really know wtf is going on. Click to Load misses out on “how many pages”, “what page you’re on”, etc. But is it really that bad? 🤔

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In-reply-to » @bender Messages (formally known as iMessages) has always lacked e2e encryption though and often falls back to using SMS which is worse for security and privacy. -- OTOH this might be all changing for the better with Google lounging for a new standard? 🤔 (Although I do have to wonder: "What's in it for Google?")

Hmmm according to this you are right! I wonder what kind of crypto they use?

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In-reply-to » The “Matrix Experiment”, i.e. running a Matrix server for our family, has failed completely and miserably. People don’t accept it. They attribute unrelated things to it, like “I can’t send messages to you, I don’t reach you! It doesn’t work!” Yes, you do, I get those messages, I just don’t reply quickly enough because I’m at work or simply doing something else. Messages (formally known as iMessages) has always lacked e2e encryption though and often falls back to using SMS which is worse for security and privacy. – OTOH this might be all changing for the better with Google lounging for a new standard? 🤔 (Although I do have to wonder: “What’s in it for Google?”)

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In-reply-to » Microsoft Outage Hits Users Worldwide, Leading To Canceled Flights Microsoft grappled with a major service outage, leaving users across the world unable to access its cloud computing platforms and causing airlines to cancel flights. From a report: Thousands of users across the world reported problems with Microsoft 365 apps and services to, a website that tracks service disruptions. "We're inve ... ⌘ Read more My god ! 🤦‍♂️

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