
Home of Bender Rodriguez. Get off my lawn!

"Yeah, well, I'm gonna go build my own theme park. With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the park."

Recent twts from bender it seems your GtS has issues:

Warning! It looks like trusted-proxies is not set correctly in this instance’s configuration. This may cause rate-limiting issues and, by extension, federation issues.

If you are the instance admin, you should fix this by adding to your trusted-proxies.

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In-reply-to » Hi James, great to hear your interest. So this is an exclusive roundtable luncheon with people in the IT, Engineering, DevOps and Technical professionals. This is an opportunity to benchmark and share stories and experiences with like-minded peers in a closed-door, Chatham House Rule environment where you will be given the opportunity to speak openly and candidly. seems like you showed interest on some Snake Oil kumbayah. LOL.

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