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Recent twts from lyse
In-reply-to » @lyse Du kannst selbst gern mal im TwtxtReader-Dummy herumklicken. Da ist natürlich alles auf meinen Feed eingestellt. Bildschirmfotos wirken irgendwie nicht. Uuuuhhh, das fühlt sich klasse an, gute Arbeit mein Lieber! :-)

Besonders positiv hervorheben muss ich die Rohdatenansicht. Sowas hab ich mir auch schon in der Vergangenheit hin und wieder gewünscht. Wie toll es doch wär, direkt den Eintrag im Original zu sehen, ohne erst im Feed mühsam auf die Suche gehen zu müssen, was auch noch einen Wechsel auf den Browser oder den Editor erzwingt. Das werd ich mir definitiv auch einbauen. Insbesondere für die Entwicklung absolut hilfreich. Die Textarea könntest Du noch mit einem readonly-Attribut ausstatten.

Die Gesamtbaumansicht einer Unterhaltung gefällt mir ebenfalls. Davon bin ich ja ein großer Verfechter. Nicht nur die direkten Antworten zu sehen, sondern alle. Klar, bei tief verschachtelten Unterhaltungen und sehr langen Beiträgen verliert man da doch mal den Überblick, aber die kommen in der Praxis meiner Erfahrung nur selten vor.

Die zwei Elemente in der Fußzeile eines Beitrags würde ich auch noch versuchen in die Kopfzeile zu verschieben, dann wird die Darstellung insgesamt kompakter, gerade bei Unterhaltungen könnte das von Vorteil sein.

Weiter so!

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In-reply-to » Die Bastelei am TxtwtReader geht gut voran. Neben diversen Filtern und Ansichten werden Unterhaltungen nun schön strukturiert angezeigt. Jetzt müsste ich mich auch mal um das Verfassen von Einträgen kümmern. Wenn ich mit dem Projekt zufrieden bin, lasse ich es vielleicht auch auf die Welt los. #OpenSource Klingt gut, Du darfst uns gern mal ein paar Bildschirmfotos vom aktuellen Stand zeigen. :-) Die erste Aufnahme sah bereits recht aufgeräumt aus.

Ich müsste auch endlich mal an meinem Client weitermachen. Aber heut nimmer.

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In-reply-to » @arne Hahaha, vor Dekaden hab ich auch mal einen „XML“-„Parser“ selbst gebaut. Der wollte dann pro Zeile entweder einen öffnenden oder einen schließenden Tag oder aber einen Wert haben. :-O Ganz übel, aber für den damaligen Anwendungsfall hat's gelangt. War halt bloß kein XML. :-D Ahja, danke für die Erläuterung! Einrückungen waren meinem Parser tatsächlich egal, der dürfte einfach ein trim() angewendet haben, bevor sich die Zeile zur näheren Verarbeitung angesehen hat. :-D

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In-reply-to » I'm rather frozen after half an hour looking at Venus and Saturn through the telescope outside. I couldn't see any rings around Saturn. Disappointing. It also appeared rather dark. The very bright Venus on the other hand told me that there is something growing inside the scope. :-( Or maybe there is dust. It says F=700, D=70 and RK=20. I have to research what magnification that translates to, a few days have passed since physics class. Your Celestron Ultima 100 looks much more high quality than this thing.

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In-reply-to » LECK MICH FETT! Das Küchenradio (Sagem - My Dual Radio 700) gibt wieder Töne von sich! Der XML-Parser von dem Ding ist sowas von hinüber. Die "Fertiglösungen" YCast und YTuner haben ein zu ordentliches XML erstellt. Per Trial and Error habe ich dann die Formatierung gefunden, die die olle Kiste braucht. 🥳 Hahaha, vor Dekaden hab ich auch mal einen „XML“-„Parser“ selbst gebaut. Der wollte dann pro Zeile entweder einen öffnenden oder einen schließenden Tag oder aber einen Wert haben. :-O Ganz übel, aber für den damaligen Anwendungsfall hat’s gelangt. War halt bloß kein XML. :-D

Was konkret war dann das Problem von dem zu sauberen XML in Deinem Fall? Und schön zu hören, dass Du das Gerät vor dem vorzeitigen Elektroschrotttod bewahrt bekommen hast. :-)

Zum Abschluss noch ne ganz doofe Frage, ganz offensichtlich hab ich von Radios keinen blassen Schimmer. Wieso muss denn das Ding überhaupt mit XML rumfuhrwerken? O_o

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In-reply-to » It seems related to us poor single user pods not getting the trust to share twts.. which it seems to still untrust on restart for me. The Pod.LastSeen and Pod.LastUpdated fields are only ever updated in the Cache.DetectPodFromUserAgent(…) function as far as I can tell. This function is called in Cache.DetectClientFromRequest(…) and Cache.DetectClientFromResponse(…).

Cache.DetectClientFromRequest(…) is only invoked when the twtxt.txt is requested and looks at the User-Agent HTTP request header.

Cache.DetectClientFromResponse(…) is only called in Cache.FetchFeeds(…) and looks at the Powered-By HTTP response header. This header would be set in twtxt.txt HTTP responses from yarnd. A bunch of places invoke Cache.FetchFeeds(…), including a periodic job (UpdateFeedsJob.Run()). Maybe something is iffy around these locations.

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In-reply-to » I'm rather frozen after half an hour looking at Venus and Saturn through the telescope outside. I couldn't see any rings around Saturn. Disappointing. It also appeared rather dark. The very bright Venus on the other hand told me that there is something growing inside the scope. :-( Or maybe there is dust. It’s an old, cheap Optus without any model information on it. It was maybe 180DM or so in a discounter 25, 30 years ago. Its main job is to collect dust, can’t even remember its last use. That must have been easily 15 years ago I reckon. Thus, absolutely no surprise. Maybe I’ll just take it apart and see what I can see as the week progresses.

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I’m rather frozen after half an hour looking at Venus and Saturn through the telescope outside. I couldn’t see any rings around Saturn. Disappointing. It also appeared rather dark. The very bright Venus on the other hand told me that there is something growing inside the scope. :-( Or maybe there is dust.

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In-reply-to » @movq Woah, that sun from satellite SDO is fucking sick!

Just threw this RSS feed into Newsboat. The titles suck, but I hope the content makes up for it. :-)

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In-reply-to » Clouds are hiding the planets right now, but the sky was slightly on fire before: Speaking of fog, a workmate showed me his view out of the window today and you couldn’t even see a hundred meters. Looked really nice! :-) We actually had a little bit of sun over here.

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In-reply-to » I want to share a little idea for a new extension with the goal of adding direct messages in #twtxt

I haven’t read the entire specification, but I think there is a fundamental design problem. Why would someone put an encrypted message on a public feed that is completely useless to everybody other than the one recipient? This doesn’t make sense to me. It of course depends on the threat model, but wouldn’t one also want to minimize the publicly visible metadata (who is communicating with whom and when) when privately messaging? I feel there are better ways to accomplish this. Sorry, if I miss the obvious use case, please let me know. :-)

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In-reply-to » this is epic I approve! That’s how I learned HTML (version 4 at the time and XHTML shortly after) and making websites, too. Some of them are still made like this to this day. Hand-written HTML. Hardly any <div> and class nonsense. I can’t remember with which editor I started out with, but I upgraded to Webweaver (later renamed to Webcraft) quickly. Yeah, this were the times when there was just a single computer for the whole family.

Free hosting on Arcor, Freenet and I don’t know anymore how they were all called. Like this author, I uploaded everything via FTP. Oh dear, when was the last time I used that? And I had registered plenty of free domains.

Being on Windows at the time, everything was ISO-8859-1 for me. No UTF-8, I don’t think I’ve heard about it back then.

Later, I wrote my own CMSes in PHP. Man, were they bad in retrospect. :-D Of course, MySQL databases were used as backends. I still exactly know the moment I read the first time about SQL injections. I tried it on my own CMS login and was shocked when I could just break in. The very next thing I did was to lock down everything with an .htaccess until I actually fixed my broken PHP code. Hahaha, good memories.

I swear by Atom or RSS feeds. Many of my sites offer them. I daily consume feeds, they’re just great.

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In-reply-to » Another infrastructure apocalypse day at work. Linux and Windows users were unable to reach M$ services. No Outlook, no Teams, no intranet (Sharepoint), no Azure, etc. Mac users were lucky, though. Took whoever the whole day to resolve that. Shortly before I called it quits, it worked again. I haven't read any e-mail today, used Teams mostly on the company phone, but it's the plague. Yes, exactly that. It’s awful! And it’s getting worse from my perspective. Nobody in charge is ever gonna learn anything. I figure we just fully deserve this M$ crap, every single bit. :-(

Luckily, the most important development platform still worked for me, so I could actually do something, review code, pull and push, etc. But the calls with the screenshares were nightmares. Can’t see shit on such a tiny display with today’s extreme monitor sizes people use. Looking at logs, hahahahahahaaa…

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In-reply-to » Alright, I have a little 8086 assembler for my toy OS going now – or rather a proof-of-concept thereof. It only supports a tiny fraction of the instruction set. It was an interesting learning experience, but I don’t think trying to “complete” this program is worth my time. Neat, that sounds like a clever design with a table implementation. :-)

Oh, for sure! Complexity will definitely go through the roof and beyond with optimizations, no doubt. Maybe with the very simplest of the easy ones it might be still reasonably straight forward, but I also imagine that this has the potential to escalate very quickly. :-D

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Another infrastructure apocalypse day at work. Linux and Windows users were unable to reach M$ services. No Outlook, no Teams, no intranet (Sharepoint), no Azure, etc. Mac users were lucky, though. Took whoever the whole day to resolve that. Shortly before I called it quits, it worked again. I haven’t read any e-mail today, used Teams mostly on the company phone, but it’s the plague.

And as I’ve forseen the other day, we have to deliver yet another workaround hotfix, once the other team eventually gets their stuff integrated that we should rely on. Good riddance it’s the weekend now!

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In-reply-to » Alright, I have a little 8086 assembler for my toy OS going now – or rather a proof-of-concept thereof. It only supports a tiny fraction of the instruction set. It was an interesting learning experience, but I don’t think trying to “complete” this program is worth my time. Oh, this is really awesome! :-) Hats off to you, that would take me forever to accomplish.

Haha, eleven bytes, how mean is that!? :-D But I already see you working on that as well at some point in the near future. :-)

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I’m refactoring (mangling four lines of of code with assignments into one function call) and man, do I love vim macros! Such a bloody amazing invention. Saves me heaps of manual labor.

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In-reply-to » @kat Cool, cool, congrats! I skipped around and noticed that you used some great background music. Do you have a list for me to look up? :-) Also, that's a nice desktop wallpaper in the end.

Specifically those around 2:50min, 6:15min, 11:00min, 28:40min and 33:40min. :-)

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In-reply-to » Alright, I have a little 8086 assembler for my toy OS going now – or rather a proof-of-concept thereof. It only supports a tiny fraction of the instruction set. It was an interesting learning experience, but I don’t think trying to “complete” this program is worth my time. Woohoo! You selected a turing complete instruction set, so all good. ;-)

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In-reply-to » Walking those few hundred meters to the dentist and home took me at least three times as long as usual. Complete sheets of ice on the footpaths, definitely ice skating territory. The dentist was caught in a traffic jam and arrived about an hour late. On my morning journey I saw two ambulance operations, one on the way there and the other one when I returned. Just 200m apart. I fear it's going to be an exhausting day for all the rescue personell. I always schedule the next appointment right away. :-) Yeah, over here, it’s just winter. Nothing really surprising. But it gets us every time. I prefer the ice over the the fire for sure. That was the only time I left the house today.

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Walking those few hundred meters to the dentist and home took me at least three times as long as usual. Complete sheets of ice on the footpaths, definitely ice skating territory. The dentist was caught in a traffic jam and arrived about an hour late. On my morning journey I saw two ambulance operations, one on the way there and the other one when I returned. Just 200m apart. I fear it’s going to be an exhausting day for all the rescue personell.

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In-reply-to » Heck yeah, that's really cool! Let's hope for a clear sky: "On the evening of 28 February 2025, all seven of the other planets in the Solar System will appear in the night sky at the same time, with Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars all lining up in a neat row – a magnificent sky feast for the eyes known as a great planetary alignment." Hmm yeah, you’re right. I should have checked for our location prior to getting too excited. Yeah, a sore neck is always a win. :-P Here’s nothing really to see, all cloudy. And also a bit cold at -2°C. I don’t feel like standing still all that long outside at the moment. :-D

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Heck yeah, that’s really cool! Let’s hope for a clear sky: “On the evening of 28 February 2025, all seven of the other planets in the Solar System will appear in the night sky at the same time, with Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars all lining up in a neat row – a magnificent sky feast for the eyes known as a great planetary alignment.”

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