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In-reply-to » I haven't read the entire specification, but I think there is a fundamental design problem. Why would someone put an encrypted message on a public feed that is completely useless to everybody other than the one recipient? This doesn't make sense to me. It of course depends on the threat model, but wouldn't one also want to minimize the publicly visible metadata (who is communicating with whom and when) when privately messaging? I feel there are better ways to accomplish this. Sorry, if I miss the obvious use case, please let me know. :-)

It’s ok for most encrypted protocols (In salty you can fetch other messages but can’t decrypt). Btw i think recipient can be removed so if someone seen message they tried to decypt, if can’t - its not message to you

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In-reply-to » @kat To improve you shell programming skills, I highly recommend to check out shellcheck: It points out common errors and gives some suggestions on how to improve the code. Some details in shell scripting are very tricky to get right at first. Even after decades of shell programming, I run into "corner cases" every now and then.

Checked my posthook… looks like my bash skills at zero:

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In-reply-to » The web is such garbage these days 😔 Or is it the garbage search engines? 🤔

Always has been. Web spec is too hard to implement your own web browser from scratch (nothing can, even Google and Apple, they forked KHTML). So if we not count forks we have only three browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari

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In-reply-to » @doesnm right, jenny isn't the problem, it's your platform of choice. The fetching of archives doesn't happen all time (once only, right @movq?), but yes, depending on the amount of feeds you follow that first time might take a while.

I need to wait 30 seconds every start of mutt with 8 feeds

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Tried migrating to jenny… So seems it not suitable for my phone. Fetch command fetched archived feeds so i have 37k+ entries and mutt hangs for several seconds for loading this. Also i don’t like hardcoded paths for config and follow file

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In-reply-to » I think it could be yarnd’s avatar caching. That’s why my avatar field has a #20240102 at the end: To trick yarnd into reloading it.

What if i want to delete avatar? Im deleted avatar meta field but still see avatar on

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In-reply-to » @doesnm I've just given it a try on android/termux and got it to work, I can't promise it won't break something else (because i definitely don't know what I'm doing) but here's what I broke 😅:

Lol, good but why why not /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/tmp?

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In-reply-to » And finally the legibility of feeds when viewing them in their raw form are worsened as you go from a Twt Subject of (#abcdefg12345) to something like ( 2024-09-22T07:51:16Z).

Aggred. But reading twtxt in raw form sounds… I can’t do this

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