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Recent twts from movq
In-reply-to » DOGE To Rewrite SSA Codebase In 'Months' Longtime Slashdot reader frank_adrian314159 writes: According to an article in Wired, Elon Musk has appointed a team of technologists from DOGE to "rewrite the code that runs the SSA in months." This codebase has over 60 million lines of COBOL and handles record keeping for all American workers and payments for all Social Security recipients. Given that the code has to track the byzantine ... ⌘ Read more


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In-reply-to » Guilty pleasure, blasphemy, shitty audio, … something like that. Seven Nation Army on double bass. 🤪

Not in the mood to deal with reality today, so here’s another one of those silly things: This time on electric bass, tuned down to B-standard because oomph. (Well, sounds okay on my headphones, but I’m obviously no sound engineer. 🤪)

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In-reply-to » I think I should try self-hosting some Mastodon thingy again. In all seriousness: Don’t worry, I’m not going to host some Fediverse thingy at the moment, probably never will. 😅

But I do use it quite a lot. Although, I don’t really use it as a social network (as in: following people). I follow some tags like #retrocomputing, which fills my timeline with interesting content. If there was a traditional web forum or mailing list or even a usenet group that covered this topic, I’d use that instead. But that’s all (mostly) dead by now. ☹️

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In-reply-to » I think I should try self-hosting some Mastodon thingy again.

The Mastodon admins say that it’s probably because of the size of my account (~600 MB), so the export process times out. And I understand that. Here on twtxt, I always use auto-expiring links when I post images or videos. It just gets too much data otherwise. I think I’ll just set my Mastodon account to auto-delete posts after ~180 days or something like that. Nobody cares about old posts anyway.

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In-reply-to » Thinking about adding a little “focus” feature to my window manager: It hides all but one window, no wallpaper, no bars. It already is a tiling window manager, but some windows can’t be tiled in a meaningful way. I admit that I’m mostly thinking about QEMU or Wine here: They run at a fixed size and can’t be tiled, but I still want to put them in “full screen” mode (i.e., hide anything else).

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In-reply-to » I now subscribed to most feeds in my Go tt reimplementation that I already followed with the old Python tt. Previously, I just had a few feeds for testing purposes in my new config. While transfering, I "dropped" heaps of feeds that appeared to be inactive. I’m glad to hear that! Yay for more clients. 😊

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In-reply-to » Hi! For anyone following the Request for Comments on an improved syntax for replies and threads, I've made a comparative spreadsheet with the 4 proposals so far. It shows a syntax example, and top pros and cons I've found:

(I didn’t submit a proposal of my own, because it would basically just be a duplicate of another one. 😅)

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I’ve identified several issues with my current (admittedly cheap) upright bass by now. It might be time to upgrade to a better model. 🤔

If only those things weren’t so damn expensive. I just checked the prices and simply burst out laughing. 😂

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In-reply-to » i really wanna learn golang it looks fun and capable and i can read it kind of but every time i try it i'm immediately stuck on basic concepts like "what the fuck is a pointer" (this has been explained to me and i still don't get it). i did have types explained to me as like notes on code which makes sense a bit but i'm mostly lost on basic code concepts (I think of pointers as “memory location + type”, but I have done so much C and Assembler by now that the whole thing feels almost trivial to me. And I would have trouble explaining these concepts, I guess. 😅 Maybe I’ll cover this topic with our new Azubis/trainees some day …)

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In-reply-to » It's extremely surprising to me that younger non-technical people just type in their full name (properly cased first and last name with a space in between) for a technical username in account registration or login forms. I've seen that happening several times in the past few years. The field name is "Benutzername" in German, literally "username". Even adding a placeholder text to signal that they could simply use their nickname in lowercase did not change anything at all. Well, one person used at least an e-mail address. I guess the thing is that usernames are no longer needed for many popular things, like WhatsApp. “Just install the app”, done. When I ran my Matrix server for our family, this was the first thing that people were bummed out about: “Oh, this needs a username and a password? Why doesn’t it just work? That’s annoying.”

People are less and less exposed to “low-level” details like this. There was also this story in 2021 about the concept of a “file”:

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I lost my original Windows 95 CD (and it’s too expensive for my taste to buy on eBay), so I finally sat down and got an old disk image of one of my PCs to work in QEMU.

I don’t intend to do much with Win95. I just want to be able to boot it, if I want to check how certain things worked or looked in that version. The purpose of this really is to be an archeological digsite.



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In-reply-to » Hmmm, when I Ctrl+Left to jump a word left, I get 1;5D in my tt2 message text. My TERM is set to rxvt-unicode-256color. In tt, it works just fine. When I change to TERM=xterm-256color, it also works in tt2. I have to read up on that. Maybe even try to capture these sequences and rewrite them. There’s a reason it’s called “(n)curses”. 😏 The only advice I can give is to never fiddle with reassigning control sequences and $TERM variables. Leave $TERM at whatever value the terminal itself sets and use an appropriate terminfo file for it. If there are programs misbehaving, they probably blindly assume XTerm and should be fixed (or have XTerm as a hard requirement). If you try to fix this on your end, it’ll likely just break other programs. 🥴

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In-reply-to » Is there a way to auto-insert a time stamp on vi or vim at the beginning of each line? Like, upon opening like so: While you’re typing? I guess this could be used as a starting point (doesn’t work on the very first line):

inoremap <CR> <Esc>:r!date +"\%F \%T"<CR>A 

What’s the end goal here? 😅

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In-reply-to » my biggest fear of starting to work with servers professionally is realizing that no one uses servers anymore and having to do some cloud bullshit instead Using full-blown Cloud services is good for old people like me who don’t want to do on-call duty when a disk fails. 😂 I like sleep! 😂

Jokes aside, I like IaaS as a middle ground. There are IaaS hosters who allow you to spin up VMs as you wish and connect them in a network as you wish. You get direct access to all those Linux boxes and to a layer 2 network, so you can do all the fun networking stuff like BGP, VRRP, IPSec/Wireguard, whatever. And you never have to worry about failing disks, server racks getting full, cable management, all that. 😅

I’m confident that we will always need people who do bare-bones or “low-level” stuff instead of just click some Cloud service. I guess that smaller companies don’t use Cloud services very often (because it’s way too expensive for them).

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In-reply-to » Hi! For anyone following the Request for Comments on an improved syntax for replies and threads, I've made a comparative spreadsheet with the 4 proposals so far. It shows a syntax example, and top pros and cons I've found: Thank you for this!

I cast a test vote. Did it work? :-)

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I saw 100% I/O wait in htop today but couldn’t find a process which actually does I/O. Turns out, I/O wait isn’t what it used to be anymore:

In my case, it was mpd which triggered this:

mpd doesn’t actually do anything, it just sits there and waits for events. To my understanding, this is similar to something blocking on read(). I’m not quite sure yet if displaying this as I/O wait (or “PSI some io”) is intentional or not – but it sure is confusing.


⤋ Read More Can you reproduce any of this outside of your client? I can’t spot a mistake here:

$ curl -sI ''
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 2615
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 19:53:17 GMT
Last-Modified: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 17:34:08 GMT
Server: OpenBSD httpd

$ curl -sI ''
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 131798
Content-Type: image/png
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 19:53:19 GMT
Last-Modified: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 17:18:07 GMT
Server: OpenBSD httpd

$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
HEAD /v/8684c7d264/.html%2Dindex%2Dthumb%2Dgimp11%2D1.png.jpg HTTP/1.1
Connection: close

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Length: 2615
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 19:53:31 GMT
Last-Modified: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 17:34:08 GMT
Server: OpenBSD httpd

Connection closed by foreign host.

⤋ Read More Hm, looks correct to me. The image to be displayed is a thumbnail and this links to the full-sized image. The thumbnail (JPG) is auto-generated from the full image (PNG), hence the two extensions.

What does look strange, though, is that your client came up with the hash pqsmcka, while it should have been te5quba. 🤔

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