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Recent twts from movq
In-reply-to » @movq Whether in the office or at home, I get nothing done. ;-) Well, while this is almost true, I actually tried to respond to the other thread I started myself, but starting the editor it switched immediately to this one. Any idea why this happens? Hmm, not really, no. Could you share your mutt config? (Are you using mutt?) Feel free to send me an email, if doing this over twtxt doesn’t work (yet). You can find the address on ✌️

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View from my window last evening:


Moon, Venus, an airplane in the top left corner, wind parks in the distance.

(This is already too much for a standard camera. The moon is super bright, the rest is not. Guess I should go HDR some day?)

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In-reply-to » To all my EU friends out there, is it this hard™ to reach a human in European companies that allow, perform or permit silly shenanigans? 🤔 Or is it just US companies? 🤔 Not sure what you mean by silly shenanigans? 😅 I think our companies are smaller in general and thus easier to reach. But the bigger the company, the harder it gets, I’d say. 🤔 (I don’t even know if we have EU laws that require a certain level of customer service. Could be! Honestly, I very rarely reach out to companies. 🤔)

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In-reply-to » @lyse FWIW, I’ve been using Martin Lambers’ mpop/msmtp for ages now without issues: Hmm, my workflow looks like this:

  • My public server receives mail.
  • Either my desktop PC or my laptop fetches new mail (via mpop) into a maildir.
  • That maildir gets synced to other machines via unison (I used Git for that purpose for 13 years, unison is a bit faster).

Sending mail works similarly:

  • One of my machines sends mail (via msmtp) and stores it in the maildir.
  • unison syncs that to other machines.

What I like about that is that I don’t have to keep the mail files on my server. If my server crashes (never happened so far), I can upload a new blank OpenBSD image and use config management to set it up. I actually don’t make backups of my mailserver/webserver. 😅

Regarding IMAP, well, I don’t actively dislike it (other than our server at work being very, very slow, but that’s probably not IMAP’s fault). It’s more that I don’t have a need for it. 🤔

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In-reply-to » Even after fixing yesterday's mail server TLS certificate renewal incident (main hostname was not included) my KMail did not want to receive e-mails anymore. I had to restart Akonadi now in order to make this work again. I really should look at mutt one day. FWIW, I’ve been using Martin Lambers’ mpop/msmtp for ages now without issues:

I’m not a fan of IMAP (I don’t want my server to create/keep data), but at work I use isync:

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In-reply-to » i upgraded my pc from lubuntu 22.04 to 24.04 yesterday and i was like "surely there is no way this will go smoothly" but no it somehow did. like i didn't take a backup i just said fuck it and upgraded and it WORKED?!?! i mean i had some driver issues but it wasn't too bad to fix. wild Do you use a config management system like Ansible or BundleWrap on your servers? (bw is our in-house solution, we started it around the same time as Ansible.)

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In-reply-to » i upgraded my pc from lubuntu 22.04 to 24.04 yesterday and i was like "surely there is no way this will go smoothly" but no it somehow did. like i didn't take a backup i just said fuck it and upgraded and it WORKED?!?! i mean i had some driver issues but it wasn't too bad to fix. wild Years?! 😂 Glad to hear that. 😃 We run about a thousand Ubuntu installations on servers and updates are usually smooth sailing.

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