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Recent twts from movq
In-reply-to » @lyse Gosh, that sounds so horrible. 🙈🤢

Speaking of public transportation, though: If it works, then it’s an amazing system. I love it.

I recently took the time to find an alternative route to one of my doctors. Hardly any people using that route and it’s faster. Absolutely brilliant. It’s like having a chauffeur. 😅

But navigating through that system is also a total nightmare. Which bus takes you to which places at which times, getting info about current construction sites, all that stuff. It takes forever.

And it doesn’t help at all that this is what their website looks like:

You can’t move that window at the bottom. It just sits there and takes up space from the map. It gets even worse: When you ask for a route, you get to see the buses and individual stops and all that – but all in that little window with that large font! Why do we all have widescreen monitors and than stack UI items vertically?

Sure, 30 years ago it was much worse. But it could also be much better today. 😅

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In-reply-to » Thinking about what to do for the next Advent of Code. 🤔

Another idea for the upcoming Advent Of Code 2024:

OS/2 Warp 4 came with Java and that not only meant a runtime but a JDK including API docs. So, for AoC, I could try to solve as many puzzles as I can in that environment, directly on my old Pentium. For later puzzles, I’ll definitely want to switch to my normal workstation for faster development cycles – but I can still use Java and try to backport the solutions.

Sounds interesting. 🤔

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In-reply-to » @cuaxolotl Ah, thanks for reporting back! Okay, so you’re basically manually “crawling” feeds right now. 🤔 What do you think about the idea of adding something like # follow_notify = gemini://foo/bar to your feed’s metadata, so that clients who follow you can ping that URL every now and then? How would you even notice that, do you regularly read your gemini logs? 🤔 Yeah, that’s pretty close to what was outlined here: 😅

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In-reply-to » It’s one of those days.

I went straight to bed after posting this and slept for 3 hours. 😩 Can’t I just win the lottery and be done with this whole “money” thing? 🤪 Oof, well, good luck. Those multi-day meetings are usually really exhausting (and mostly pointless) in our company, hopefully it’s different at yours. ✌️

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In-reply-to » I'm finally continuing with my tt rewrite in Go. So, I thought I use the shiny io/fs.FS. That's supposed to be a super cool new file system API. It allowed me to write tests more elegantly. I don't have to place actual test files on disk, but can keep everything nicely in RAM with testing/fstest.MapFS. That actually worked out great, I do like that. Indeed, great news! If you need testers at some point, let me know. 😅

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In-reply-to » @falsifian In my opinion it was a mistake that we defined the first url field in the feed to define the URL for hashing. It should have been the last encountered one. Then, assuming append-style feeds, you could override the old URL with a new one from a certain point on:

For the record, out of the 89 feeds that I follow, only a single one has more than one # url = field:


And I wonder if is aware that the order of those fields matter. 🤔

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In-reply-to » @bender Yes, they do 🤣 Implicitly, or threading would never work at all 😅 Nor lookups 🤣 They are used as keys. Think of them like a primary key in a database or index. I totally get where you're coming from, but there are trade-offs with using Message/Thread Ids as opposed to Content Addressing (like we do) and I believe we would just encounter other problems by doing so. Oh, wait, there’s already another thread about it. 😅

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In-reply-to » @bender Yes, they do 🤣 Implicitly, or threading would never work at all 😅 Nor lookups 🤣 They are used as keys. Think of them like a primary key in a database or index. I totally get where you're coming from, but there are trade-offs with using Message/Thread Ids as opposed to Content Addressing (like we do) and I believe we would just encounter other problems by doing so.

the right way to solve this is to use public/private key(s) where you actually have a public key fingerprint as your feed’s unique identity that never changes

Okay, this is interesting. How would this work in practice? 🤔

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In-reply-to » @movq Another idea: just hash the feed url and time, without the message content. And don't twt more than once per second. If the timestamp included a nanosecond part (which is not a valid twtxt feed at the moment, because it mandates RFC3339 timestamps and those only permit one subsecond digit), this could solve the editing problem with little effort. 🤔

Btw,, in my experience, people editing their twts is a much more common thing than people changing the URL of their feed. 😅 It breaks threading all the time.

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In-reply-to » Swa this pop up in my Github news feed today 🤔 Media Which links to Yeah, same. They say:

If you post quality content and you’ve developed a loyal audience, you should be able to ask your most passionate followers to support you with a premium subscription.

You already can ask your most passionate followers to support you: You can ask for donations.

I regularly donate to people if their content is great and if they actually ask for donations (many just don’t). The platforms for that already exist, I think. 🤔

I’m not interested in the slightest in stuff that has a paywall. “Subscribe for more content!” No, why, go away. Pages that do this immediately feel shady and not trust-worthy. 🤔

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In-reply-to » @lyse @prologic Sorry, I have hardly slept last night. 😅 I probably didn’t chose the best words to describe this. 🥴

(Let’s not rush things, obviously. Such a change would have to be well thought through and actually be worth it. It’s not like the current state of Yarn/twtxt is completely unusable.)

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In-reply-to » @movq It sounds complicated. After reading it only twice, I haven't gotten it. :-D Sorry, I have hardly slept last night. 😅 I probably didn’t chose the best words to describe this. 🥴

Yes, I’m all for dedicated message IDs. That would be a whole new format then. But I would be fine with it.

Honestly, me too. When Yarn originally showed up, I was concerned that it would extend twtxt in dramatically incompatible ways or, worse, change it in a way so that you needed server software. 😅 The latter would have ruined it for me. A major reason why I still use twtxt/Yarn is that it’s still just a file you put somewhere. If there was the need to run a daemon, I’d give up and just use some ActivityPub thingy instead.

What I did not expect, however, was that the original twtxt itself would just … die. There has been no development in the original software anymore and virtually all the original feeds are dead. Some feeds are left, but they’re just used as an alternative to Atom/RSS for some blogs. I don’t know what happened behind the scenes that killed off twtxt (I have a few guesses, though), but the sad truth is that it’s gone.

So, yeah, maybe this gives us the freedom now to break with the original twtxt spec (if needed) and come up with a format that fixes the issues we’re seeing.

(Oh god. Are we re-inventing Usenet then? Again? 😂)

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All this hash breakage made me wonder if we should try to introduce “message IDs” after all. 😅

But the great thing about the current system is that nobody can spoof message IDs. 🤔 When you think about it, message IDs in e-mails only work because (almost) everybody plays fair. Nothing stops me from using the same Message-ID header in each and every mail, that would break e-mail threading all the time.

In Yarn, twt hashes are derived from twt content and feed metadata. That is pretty elegant and I’d hate see us lose that property.

If we wanted to allow editing twts, we could do something like this:

2024-09-05T13:37:40+00:00   (~mp6ox4a) Hello world!

Here, mp6ox4a would be a “partial hash”: To get the actual hash of this twt, you’d concatenate the feed’s URL and mp6ox4a and get, say, hlnw5ha. (Pretty similar to the current system.) When people reply to this twt, they would have to do this:

2024-09-05T14:57:14+00:00	(~bpt74ka) (<a href="">#hlnw5ha</a>) Yes, hello!

That second twt has a partial hash of bpt74ka and is a reply to the full hash hlnw5ha. The author of the “Hello world!” twt could then edit their twt and change it to 2024-09-05T13:37:40+00:00 (~mp6ox4a) Hello friends! or whatever. Threading wouldn’t break.

Would this be worth it? It’s certainly not backwards-compatible. 😂

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