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Recent twts from cuaxolotl

all of the software sucks, but i have a solution! we’ll write even more software! get more people involved, make it the Ideal Career, then we can write AL̵L̴ O̵F TH̨E ̧C̀ODE̷S. mountains of shitty garbage that kind-of does the thing. software will still suck, but T͜HE̕N oh then we can write compilers that let us run the old shitty code inside of our mountain of new shitty code. now all of the code is in a giant pile and we’re using it to control space ships that definitely never crash. the more code the better! we can represent NaN easily in undefined systems! developers aren’t particularly bright, so the language is simple and easy for them to understand. we know this, that’s why it was made this way. the͡ moun͢tain ͠m̵us͜t ͠nȩver̢ ̴wa̡ve̴r̵. the more code the better. so instead of writing the code manually we c̴ómpilę t͞or̸t̕u͜red so̷u͜ls ͏i͞n͞to͝ ͟nice ͢b̀l̷oxe̡ls ̸of͠ ̸t̶an̡g͜l̀ed ͞n̢eu͏ra̡l͠ ̕ne̢t͏w͟orkś.̸ w̨e d͠on’t́ know how i̵t ̷w͟ork̡s, ̴but ̷t̴he model̢ ̶is̛ 5̛0GiB ́s̶o ͟i͞t s͞e͘rve͟s ̴tḩe̛ purpośe. WE̕ M͠US̴T B͢U̢ILD ͝T͞HE MO͝UN̶T̨A̵IN.

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its important to see clearly: the rejection of mastodon for bluesky is not a rejection of the desire to be free of our corporate overlords; its a rejection of white bros controlling digital spaces. sit with that

eugen and his interlocutors have had immense power with which to challenge twitter but their racial and cultural and ideological insularity prevented them from using it

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i’m so glad i gave up christianity. i might be a little less glad when i get purged, but at least i won’t be doing the purging. jesus of nazareth has some chill teachings, but the whole thing is poisoned by the actual history of the religion. genocide, book burnings, and ethnic cleansing are not exactly noble teachings.

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In-reply-to » So I am really curious, now that I am building upon @sorenpeter's Timeline app, how other users write/add their twtxt, and how you follow conversations. Comment svp!

due to the gemini-centric nature of my setup, I don’t get webmentions. I just scrape the network and grep. maybe my aggregator will produce notifications at some point lol

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In-reply-to » So I am really curious, now that I am building upon @sorenpeter's Timeline app, how other users write/add their twtxt, and how you follow conversations. Comment svp! I have some shell scripts that handle some of the log formatting details, but I mostly write my mesages by hand. Lately I’ve been browsing since they aggregate most of the known network. I have a couple of demo aggregators sitting around, but I’m in the middle of some infra rebuilds so a lot of my services are offline rn. They’re both built on a simple social graph analysis that extracts urls for your direct follows the follows listed on each of those feeds (friend-of-a-friend replication). certain formatting operations are awkward with my setup, so I may write an app of some kind in the future. likely gemini-based, but I have a number of projects ahead of that one in the queue.

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In-reply-to » After the behaviour of a clearly very angry feed author over the past few days, I'm very tempted to give up on Twtxt and allow it to go back to being dead. What really is the point of building and supporting a way to exchange little pieces of text with one another in a completely decentralised way, if you're just going to keep humping up against such hostility? I don't know why I do this anymore.

the test would be: how often does unwanted content get pushed on your feed? do incongruent posters easily disrupt harmonious connections? &c. less about the community, more about how the social dynamics play out as various groups and individuals interact.

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if twtxt 2 is dropping gemini support, i will probably move on and spend more time on my gemini social zine protocol instead. i think the direction of the protocol is probably fine, but for me web is a tier 2 publishing channel. if the choice is between gemini and http i’m always going to pick gemini. its been a fun ride, but i guess this is where i get off.

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afaik nobody has done this, but i really need some numbers that can indicate the relative performance of various git servers (cgit, gitea, gitlab) on comparable hardware. cgit claims to be hyperfast, but what does that mean in practice?

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