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Recent twts from andros
In-reply-to » Thank you @python_valencia for letting me show you the secrets of a decentralised plain text social network like twtxt. I hope you enjoyed the talk! ❤️🐍 Media Media #python #twtxt I taught the whole ecosystem 😁 The question I was asked the most was: How do I discover people?
Someone came up with a fantastic idea, instead of adding the new twt at the end of the feed, do it at the beginning. So you can paginate by cutting the request every few lines.

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The other day, after a discussion online, we came to the conclusion that using awk+sed+tr could replace much of the development that requires a database. However, using SQLite to have a SQL syntax isn’t a bad idea either. What do you think?

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I read a lot about Clean Code, SOLID, TDD, DDD… now I’m discovering «A Philosophy of Software Design»… but nobody talks about the importance of the project architecture. Do we depend on the framework to do the work for us?
You know I’m a big fan of Clean Architecture, but I feel alone when I share my thoughts on social media or at work.
You have to think outside the framework.

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In-reply-to » @andros is it me or twtxt-el generates a wrong twt hash when I use the [ ↳ Reply to twt ] button?

I don’t think so, at least the tests I did passed. If you’re pretty sure it’s a bug, please create an issue in the repository with the specific case and I’ll investigate it.
There are 2 buttons to make replicas, one makes a replica in the thread where the twt is located (this is the one that should be used the most, as it serves a thread), the other creates a replica to a specific twt.
I’ll let you know a bit about the status: I’m just now implementing the thread screen. There you can be sure where you are. It’s a bit confusing right now, sorry. I think the client is still in alpha. When I’ve finished what I’m doing, and the direct message system, I’ll freeze development and focus on creating more tests, looking for bugs and making small visual adjustments.

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A random suggestion. You should add a password to your private ssh key. Why? If someone steals your key, they won’t be able to do anything without the password.
You should run: ssh-keygen -p
And remember to make a backup copy of key file. As a developer, it is a one of the most valuable files on your computer.

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In-reply-to » It's ok for most encrypted protocols (In salty you can fetch other messages but can't decrypt). Btw i think recipient can be removed so if someone seen message they tried to decypt, if can't - its not message to you

It is not possible to remove it, otherwise you do not know that the message is for you. With that information you can’t decrypt.

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In-reply-to » I want to share a little idea for a new extension with the goal of adding direct messages in #twtxt First, please leave me your comments on the repository! Even if it’s just to give your opinion on what shouldn’t be included. The more variety, the better.

Second, I’m going to try to do tests with Elliptic keys and base64. Thanks for the advice

Finally, I’d like to give my opinion. Secure direct messages are a feature that ActivityPub and Mastodon don’t have, to give an example. By including it as an extension, we’re already taking a significant leap forward from the competition. Does it make sense to include it in a public feed? In fact, we’re already doing that. When we reply to a user, mentioning them at the beginning of the message, it’s already a direct message. The message is within a thread, perhaps breaking the conversation. Direct messages would help isolate conversations between 2 users, as well as keeping a thread cleaner and maintaining privacy. I insist, it’s optional, it doesn’t break compatibility with any client and implementing it isn’t complex. If you don’t like it, you’re free to not use it. If you don’t have a public key, no one can send you direct messages.

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I’m still making progress with the Emacs client. I’m proud to say that the code that is responsible for reading the feeds is almost finished, including: Twt Hash Extension, Twt Subject Extension, Multiline Extension and Metadata Extension. I’m fine-tuning some tests and will soon do the first buffer that displays the twts.

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