
"Problems are Solved by Method" 🇦🇺👨‍💻👨‍🦯🏹♔ 🏓⚯ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🛥 -- James Mills (operator of / creator of 🧶)

Recent twts from prologic

So… Cylone Alfred made landfall (whatever that means) last night, and I watched it hit my wife’s Uncle/Aunt’s place on one of the outer islands, then move westwards and sort of fizzle out. It’s now been downgrade to a “Tropical Low” (I guess not good enough for a Cat X anymore?), but we’re still in the Eye of it, and there’s still a swirling mass of winds (just not as fast). Now we get to look forward to flooding 🤣

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