So Go lang is at a funny version huh’ v1.23.4
will there ever be a v1.23.45678? 🫠🤡
I’m usually comfortable keeping my hardship to myself, most especially AWAY from the internet; an act of kindness of sorts towards others, “Everyone’s got their own problems to worry about” kind of thing.. But maaan am I starting to believe creating a twitter account would be a healthy decision 🤣🤦 Read nothin’ out there, just a one way echo chamber of sorts to let that shi_ out of my chest. It seem that’s what everyone else’s been using it for all this time.
A Bsky would be even better! 😂 I’d get to shi_ post and yap all I want, allll the way from terminal and never ever have to look back at it or whatever comes out of it. But I digress…
I FU_ing despise this … whatever this is. I wish I could just wake up in some sort of parallel universe where everything is just sunshine and rainbows, alas, life would be just as meaningless.
and sorry you had to read this if you did. did you rotate your twtxt file or something happened to your twts? 🤔 asking just in case…
Shi… I forgot to pull my twtxt file before twtin’ … let me see if I can recover them lost timeline twts.
Awake since last year… 😅
Good riddance 2024…
2025, be good or else.
Happy new year Twtxt people. I’m grateful for getting to meet/talk to you all, It certainly was the best thing to have happened to me in this “2024” chapter of my life.
ROFL 🤣 I’ve found myself a new insult: :diffoff
a vim command…
Showing my nephew around linux… and what’s a better example of text editing in terminal than an actual twt? eh? 😆
Behold … “Marginalia” ! My new favorite search engine!! And I have @mattof to thank for this find. Here’s their Blog post about it since I don’t think I could do a better job describing what it is. but, tl;dr: it’s a #smallweb focused search engine.
Been down for +7 effing hours … Power went out for a while and I didn’t even bother to check if things went back up normally afterwards. and guess what? they didn’t 🤡
I’m getting way too comfortable with editing twts and fixing Eff’ ups… I gotta stop auto-syncing my twtxt file, at least I’ll have a breathing room for quick fixes when needed. I know, Michael Lucas might not approve of this but, I wouldn’t want the in the middle of the night, right?
Ok, I’ve restored the misplaced twts … let’s just hope I didn’t make things worst xD
I’ve just unlocked access to my /timeline if anyone has been trying to access it earlier.
Ok, hopefully nobody did pull that 🦊⬆ 😅
Morning, be good!
So long Blue Birdy 👋 it was a … Never mind, GTFO of my life already! 😆
Been curious to see if can filter out my access.log file and output a list of my twtxt followers just in case I’ve missed someone … I came up with this awk -F '\"' '/twtxt/ {print $(NF-1)}' /var/log/user.log | grep -v 'twtxt\.net' | sort -u | awk '{print $(NF-1) $NF}' | awk '/^\(/'
spaghetti monster of a command and I’m wondering if there’s a more elegant way for achieving the same thing.
Feeling suspicious about a little something and I, don’t like it -the feeling- a bit. Maybe I’m just being paranoid… but most probably I’m just being an ignorant judgemental piece of shit and I hate myself for it already.
I’m not even supposed to do be doing any of this, I should be making stuff* with Shapes, forms and color instead of poking at software with a stick like a caveman. 😆
*Stuff: Things I make and refuse to call Art, unless I have to in a resume and what not.
Yeah I know! My ship was sinking and I’ve just noticed. Patched up the holes and now we’re back afloat.
Learned to gg=G
and to va"
, ci"
, di{
… in vim the other day 😆 Life will never be the same, I can feel it. ref
Note to self: “If your dashboard says you sh..t is down, it means your sh..t is down. It’s not a dashboard miss-config you dumb azz” 😆
FINALLY!! I figured my way around daemonizing #saltyd with an rc.d init script with logs and all! 🥳 still have to try a tiny modification before writing that thing… I hope it doesn’t Bork it 😅
Finally got myself a new monitor! Went for the best-cheapest-one I could get just in case it gets wrecked too then I could easily replace it with another … And yeah, Fuu*** Asus!
This Zen-Browser is actually not bad! 🤯
- Based on Firefox instead of Chromium.
- Got tiling pans when you need them… (just like a tiling window manager).
- I can hide the Tabs and Nav-Bar with a single short-cut!! AKA Compact Mode …
Apparently Drama
is tech entities’ new Going Viral
PR stunt. After the Wordpress vs. WPE mayhem, Godot starts it’s own, Who/what’s next?
See!? Even Meta/Facebook uses plain text, not just Twtxt! 🤣
“Fu*** IRC maaan, all the cool kids are on Discord! IRC sucks”
LOL, Now substitute IRC and Discord with Gopher/Gemini
and Web
I hope you get the joke 😅
LMAO 🤣 … I’ve been scrolling through mutt(1) man page and found this:
None. Mutts have fleas, not bugs.
It feels like an A’ Hole pointing at typos while other people are the ones doing the real work ! 😅
Thank you Things are working again!! 🙏 !! I freaking love your Timeline … I kind of have an justified PHP phobia 😅 but, I’m definitely thinking about giving it a try!
/ME wondering if it’s possible to use it locally just to read and manage my feed at first and then maybe make it publicly accessible later.
Where do I download more hours for my days? not having more than 24 hours a day S U C K S !
My cat just had a… nightmare ? He woke up, slapped me in the face then jumped off of the bed giving me the “WTF Just happened Human!?” look. 🤭
I’m SO enjoying the new jenny --fetch-context
Oh boy! I think I stumbled upon a Terminal Candy Shop! 🤤 “Terminal Trove”
POWER EFFIN’ OUTAGE!!! Electricity came back after ~10 min like… no beggie BUT, Internet stayed out for like 2 more hrs 😅
Good Morning, 30 min till Sunrise.