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Recent twts from aelaraji

Been curious to see if can filter out my access.log file and output a list of my twtxt followers just in case I’ve missed someone … I came up with this awk -F '\"' '/twtxt/ {print $(NF-1)}' /var/log/user.log | grep -v 'twtxt\.net' | sort -u | awk '{print $(NF-1) $NF}' | awk '/^\(/' spaghetti monster of a command and I’m wondering if there’s a more elegant way for achieving the same thing.

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Feeling suspicious about a little something and I, don’t like it -the feeling- a bit. Maybe I’m just being paranoid… but most probably I’m just being an ignorant judgemental piece of shit and I hate myself for it already.

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I’m not even supposed to do be doing any of this, I should be making stuff* with Shapes, forms and color instead of poking at software with a stick like a caveman. 😆

*Stuff: Things I make and refuse to call Art, unless I have to in a resume and what not.

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This Zen-Browser is actually not bad! 🤯

  • Based on Firefox instead of Chromium.
  • Got tiling pans when you need them… (just like a tiling window manager).
  • I can hide the Tabs and Nav-Bar with a single short-cut!! AKA Compact Mode …

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