Something odd just happened to my twtxt timeline… A bunch of twts dissapered, others were marked to be deleted in mutt. so I nuked my whole twtxt Maildir and deleted my ~/.cache/jenny in order to start with a fresh Pull. I pulled feed as usual. Now like HALF the twts aren’t there 😂 even my my last replay. WTF IS GOING ON? 🤣🤣🤣
FIX: Temporarily removed sorenpeter’s twtxt link from my follow list, whipped my twtxt Maildir and jenny Cache. Only then I was able to fetch everything as usual (I think). Now I’ll backup things and see what happens if I pull sorenpeter’s feed.
No keyboards were harmed during this experiment… yet.
Done and done! everything is back to normal! 🥳 It’s nobody’s fault! 😇 It’s all part of the fun with them Ones and Zeros