Okay, the recently implemented --fetch-context, which asks a Yarn pod for a twt, wouldn’t break, but jenny would not be able anymore to verify that it actually got the correct twt. That’s a concrete example where we would lose functionality.

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… then, of course, I wouldn’t need to ask a Yarn pod for a certain twt if we used (replyto:…) instead of (#123467), because the original source of the twt is no longer obscured by a hash value and I can just pull the original feed. Asking a Yarn pod is only interesting at the moment because I have no idea where to get (#123467) from.

Only when the original feed has gone offline will querying a Yarn pod become relevant again.

I have to admit here that some of the goals/philosophy of Yarn simply don’t apply to my use cases. 😅 I don’t run a daemon that speaks a gossipping protocol with neighboring pods or stuff like that. I think I don’t have a hard time accepting that feeds might go offline in two months, so be it. Digging up ancient twts from some sort of globally distributed file system isn’t one of my goals. It’s a completely different thing for me. Hmmm. 🤔

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