Hmm… I replied to this message:

From: prologic <prologic>
Subject: Hello World! 😊
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2020 08:39:52 -0400
Message-Id: <o6dsrga>

Hello World! 😊

And see how the hash shows… Is it because that hash isn’t longer used?

⤋ Read More Ahh, I see:

Message-Id: <o6dsrga>

That’s an older format that was used before jenny version v23.04. It should look like this nowadays:

Message-Id: <o6dsrga@twtxt>

Changelog entry from back then:

v23.04  2023-04-19
  - The format of the "Message-Id" and "In-Reply-To" headers has
    changed. They now need an "@twtxt" suffix to be more compliant with
    RFC(2)822. This fixes issues when using aerc
    ( as a frontend instead of mutt.

    If you want to retain compatibility with existing files in your
    maildir, you must manually add this suffix to these headers. (Or go
    ahead and re-sync everything.)

I guess I could have added backwards compatibility to the code. Maybe I’ll fix that later. 🤔

⤋ Read More I figured it will be something like this, yet, you were able to reply just fine, and I wasn’t. Looking at your twtxt.txt I see this line:

2024-09-16T17:37:14+00:00	(#o6dsrga) @<prologic>

@<quark> This is what I get. 🤔

Which is using the right hash. Mine, on the other hand, when I replied to the original, old style message (Message-Id: <o6dsrga>), looks like this:

2024-09-16T16:42:27+00:00	(#o) @<prologic> this was your first twtxt. Cool! :-P

What did you do to make yours work? I simply went to the oldest’s entry on my Maildir, and replied to it (jenny set the reply-to hash to #o, even though the Message-Id is o6dsrga). Since jenny can’t fetch archived twtxts, how could I go to re-fetch everything? And, most importantly, would re-fetching fix the Message-Id:?

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Since jenny can’t fetch archived twtxts

I wiped my entire maildir and re-fetched everything. I did that recently because asked me to 😅, but I guess I also did this back in 2023.

What did you do to make yours work?

jenny does fetch archived feeds during the normal jenny -f operation. Only when using the recently implemented --fetch-context, archived feeds are not fetched (yet). That was an oversight and I intend to fix that.

⤋ Read More


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