Yes I have personally taken this horse paste many times myself and can vouch for its wonderful affect on removing both cancer and parasites from your system.

The Internet is trying to bag this drug from the layperson, like all wonder drugs on the www. Medicine is a money making business, they do not want you to be made well. Vaccine injury is possible the biggest contributor to the business of making you ill, so than for the rest of your life you seek the doctor who treats your disease, rather than affect a cure, because most cures are too late. Its a great system, and people trust science too much these days, but as you can see not all science is bad, some people are doing a wonderful job. Shalom

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You are both silly, LOL, does not GOD empower those who seek Him with wisdom?

Many good people have this gift of wisdom, so learn to discern those who are wise and helpful in our lives.
By their fruits ye shall know them.

I remember one science person was in charge of doing “gain of function” research, creating GM organisms so viruses from other animals could infect humans. Why would a science person be interested in this? Why intentionally make viruses from other animals infect humans? But they did, and still do…. I would call this kind of science evil in the least, and the fact it was brought before the USA counsel suggests not all science people are doing good science. Wisdom is defined as the ability to know the difference between good and bad decisions. We learn this ability by getting into studies on topics. Start learning and stop being deceived.

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