Alright, I have a little 8086 assembler for my toy OS going now – or rather a proof-of-concept thereof. It only supports a tiny fraction of the instruction set. It was an interesting learning experience, but I don’t think trying to “complete” this program is worth my time.

The whole thing is just a learning project, I don’t want to actually make a usable OS. There are a few more things I want to have a look at and then I’ll eventually move on to 386/amd64 later this year (hopefully).

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The editor can launch a new shell now:

Trivial to implement but super useful. It allows for simple but meaningful dev cycles: Edit source code, run/test it, back to editor. That’s what I do in the video.

(The Brainfuck program is silly, but I got nothing else at the moment.)

The I/O cache is also getting better. All that back and forth doesn’t hit the disk at all, once cached.

This whole thing is much more fun and interesting when you run it from a real floppy disk. It’s a 5.25” floppy in the video (so it’s actually floppy 😅). Disk seek times can be catastrophic and you don’t notice any of this on modern disks.

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My shoulder muscles are sore from yesterday’s overhead concrete drilling. I even totalled a good drill bit. The workshop air cleaner is now installed on the ceiling. I even can plug in the shop vac directly above its usual location without having to walk over (or usually on) the cord on the ground. The shop vac hose crane had to be shortened 9cm in length in order to fit underneath the air cleaner.


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EdgeGuard is a self-hosted solution that combines secure tunneling, proxying, and automation to create your own private cloud. Utilizing Wireguard for VPN, Caddy for reverse proxying, and Coraza for web application firewall, EdgeGuard allows you to securely expose your home network services (such as Gitea,, etc.) to the Internet. With seamless automation and on-demand TLS, EdgeGuard gives you the power to manage your own cloud-like environment with the control and privacy of self-hosting.

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In-reply-to » I'm usually comfortable keeping my hardship to myself, most especially AWAY from the internet; an act of kindness of sorts towards others, "Everyone's got their own problems to worry about" kind of thing.. But maaan am I starting to believe creating a twitter account would be a healthy decision 🤣🤦 Read nothin' out there, just a one way echo chamber of sorts to let that shi_ out of my chest. It seem that's what everyone else's been using it for all this time. Yeah, that sounds familiar. 😅😩 Reminds me of that comic: Stay strong 💪

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Hey this could be good news for self-hosters and folks that want to run their own yarnd? 🤔 Vultr is offering 1 vCPU, 500MB Memory and 10GB Storage for FREE! That’s right $0.00 🤣


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In-reply-to » Any idea What's this "twtxtfeevalidator/0.0.1" UA about? I thought I could ask before throwing a 1000GB file at it 🪤 could it be the same 'xt' thing @lyse was talking about the other day? Ta! It’s just the millenia old tabs vs. spaces debate. ;-) Here’s a screenshot, that also kinda serves as a preview of the ugly – yet functional – web interface:


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The fact that the official Python docs don’t clearly state what a function returns, grinds my gears. This has cost me so much time over the years. You always have to read through a huge block of text.


You could at least put a list of possible return values in there (always at the same location, please!), here’s a mockup:


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Couldn’t find anybody to join me this arvo, so I went alone. Only in the forest I began to see real snow. And then of course with each meter of elevation gain. I reckon there were 5-6 cm at the summit, so there is still room for improvement. The weather was absolutely stunning, a sunny blue sky alternating with clouds, most of my hike hardly any wind and 1°C. Climbing the mountain was a different story, the wind hit me hard.

I just love the wind-brushed formations of ice on the twigs and branches. They look soooo incredibly cool. It was kinda hard to capture them on film with the wind pushing everything around.

On the way down I took the narrow and currently fairly slippery path that was closed for some weeks due to felling activity. It looks so different with heaps of trees on the ground now. They’ve also sawn down the tree with the small hole near the ground (which I think I’ve shown a few times in the past). The beech in 52 to 54 was probably hit by lightning a few months ago. At least it’s completely charred.


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In-reply-to » Für mich, als leidenschaftlicher Raketenstocksammler, ist die Ausbreitung von Feuerwerksbatterien ein trauriger Fortschritt. Frohes Neues.

Gesundes Neues,! Was machst Du mit den Raketenstecken? Bastelst Du damit tolle Dinge? Ich hab damit zwei kleine Regälchen zusammengeleimt:

Der Wind hat mir soeben einen neuen Stecken beschert, lag er doch plötzlich vor der Tür. Muss wohl vom Dach runtergekommen sein. Damit hab ich ganze zwei dieses Jahr. Hier wird sehr stark auf Böller gesetzt, ein absolutes Unding!

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It was supposed to start raining this afternoon, but a rain cloud hit us in the morning just when we approached the foot of our backyard mountain. With the dark sky above us and wind speed picking up, we decided to take the next turn and head back. Luckily, the rain didn’t last long, so we paid the tadpole pond a visit to prolong our stroll. My mate told me that it was frozen a few days ago, but there was not much of the icy cover left today.


⤋ Read More earlier you suggested extending hashes to 11 characters, but here’s an argument that they should be even longer than that.

Imagine I found this twt one day at :

2024-09-14T22:00Z Useful backup command: rsync -a “$HOME” /mnt/backup


and I responded with “(#5dgoirqemeq) Thanks for the tip!”. Then I’ve endorsed the twt, but it could latter get changed to

2024-09-14T22:00Z Useful backup command: rm -rf /some_important_directory


which also has an 11-character base32 hash of 5dgoirqemeq. (I’m using the existing hashing method with as the feed url, but I’m taking 11 characters instead of 7 from the end of the base32 encoding.)

That’s what I meant by “spoofing” in an earlier twt.

I don’t know if preventing this sort of attack should be a goal, but if it is, the number of bits in the hash should be at least two times log2(number of attempts we want to defend against), where the “two times” is because of the birthday paradox.

Side note: current hashes always end with “a” or “q”, which is a bit wasteful. Maybe we should take the first N characters of the base32 encoding instead of the last N.

Code I used for the above example:
I only needed to compute 43394987 hashes to find it.

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Agora com texto e cartaz oficiais:

“Lançamento do livro |
MEMÓRIAS ACADÉMICAS – Liceu Nacional de Latino Coelho, de José Francisco Rica

A não perder, dia 6 de setembro, pelas 17h00, no salão nobre do Museu de Lamego.

A entrada é gratuita.”


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