Tom Waits in 2025 looks and sounds exactly like you’d expect. 🥴
Registry format is its own thing. It takes the regular feed and appends nick \t uri \t
to it. Its something that existed before yarn got big. There is still a bit of work but I will put together a ui for it to make it easier to view and navigate. Yeah me too hmm 🧐 I noticed that the hash also shows (as in clearly visible) on the “in-reply-to”. That doesn’t happen with any other client—well, at least not with Yarn, nor jenny. show, or it didn’t happen. 😜
Avec l’aide de Péhä, j’ai amélioré ma collection de logos #solarpunk. Merci! Ahh I see 😅 Got the most basic view working 😅 Actually… I’m working on a new Sqlite backend/cache for yarnd
🤣 I might revive yarns (the crawler / search engine) one day 🤞 What’s with your client not using the proper syntax for mentions?
$ bat '' | jq '.text'
"(#4xaabhq) thanks @prologic!
@bender the idea of the RFC was to reach an agreement on a difficult problem, receiving proposals, and the voting is a simple count to gauge the sentiment of \"is this a problem worth to be fixed?, are we committed to implement a change in our clients?\"
But that's a fair point. What do the community expect? What do y'all expect?"
🤔 I am currently working on Implementing a registry that is also a crawler. It finds any feeds that are mentioned or in the follows header.
I think is also working on one.
, the voting period has started and will be open for a week.
thanks @prologic!
@bender the idea of the RFC was to reach an agreement on a difficult problem, receiving proposals, and the voting is a simple count to gauge the sentiment of “is this a problem worth to be fixed?, are we committed to implement a change in our clients?”
But that’s a fair point. What do the community expect? What do y’all expect?
I wonder if I can do away with the followers follows mutes
tables and expect the client to actually filter Twts appropriately before Display? This would simplify the SqliteCache
considerably and also mean it would be agnostic of single-user or multi-user as that’s delegated to another layer. Hmmm 🧐
Whoohoo! 😇
Ehhh yeah, what could go wrong 🤔 😵💫
hmm i need to start storing feed preambles so i can capture metadata like that I never implemented it actually. That’s why we have the # refresh =
metadata field for those that yell loudly enough can add to their feeds. Otherwise yarnd
uses WebSub between pods and is fairly dumb. I could never find an “intelligent” way to back-off without hurting freshness.
Interesting.. so running into an issue where queries only return a partal set of rows if i run in a docker image built from scratch. i have to add the debian root image for it to work. I wonder what file is missing that the root has?
, the voting period has started and will be open for a week.
, the voting period has started and will be open for a week. other than getting a pseudo tally, what else do you aim to accomplish from this? That is, what is the tangible expectation?
For anyone following the proposals to improve replies and threads in twtxt
, the voting period has started and will be open for a week.
Please share the link with the twtxt community, and leave your vote on your preferred proposals, which will be used to gauge the perceived benefits.
Also, the conversation is open to discuss implementation concerns or anything aimed at making twtxt better.
DOGE To Rewrite SSA Codebase In ‘Months’
Longtime Slashdot reader frank_adrian314159 writes: According to an article in Wired, Elon Musk has appointed a team of technologists from DOGE to “rewrite the code that runs the SSA in months.” This codebase has over 60 million lines of COBOL and handles record keeping for all American workers and payments for all Social Security recipients. Given that the code has to track the byzantine … ⌘ Read more
I have to compile it myself now – and, boy, that is one heavy program. Takes several minutes to build. 😳 Hah I used to be a heavy mpd user myself once upon a time 😅
so much sun <3
I’m a long-term mpd user (some 16+ years), but for $reasons
I have to compile it myself now – and, boy, that is one heavy program. Takes several minutes to build. 😳 Does … does that mean … that we’re “trending” on TikTok? 😅 what did you come up with, to accomplish it? I had a lot of trouble figuring out how to do this too 😂
Hmm I think I can come up with some kind of heuristic.. Maybe if the feed is requested and hasn’t updated in the last few mins it adds to the queue. So the next time it will be fresh. who are you realest shit ever
greek myth is crazy bc there’s the misogny but also yeah she IS getting that man pregnant. penelope and odysseus obviously (he literally WAS the one that carried telemachus) and ofc andromeda and perseus & hektor and andromache but also like. you cannot tell me helen didn’t get menelaos pregnant bffr godspeed :D no problemmmm THANK YOUUUU I AM BOOKMARKING THIS FOR THE FUTURE <3
alright, I guess I’m finally gonna work on fixing my website’s responsiveness issue, pray5me it was FUCKING INSANE also HI MANA it’s mostly under control now but jesus christ i almost had a panic attack
hey friends guess who had tiktok teens flood a mostly abandoned site of hers that was meant for a small group of friends? and went from 15 to ~60 users in 20 minutes? ya girl