Hmmm 🧐

for url in $(jq -r '.Twters[].avatar' cache.json | sed '/^$/d' | grep -v -E '(|||' | sort -u); do echo "$url $(curl -I -s -o /dev/null -w '%header{content-length}' "$url")"; done

😅 Let’s see… 🤔

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Hmm remove the cpu limits on this pod, not even sure why I had ‘em set tbh, we decided at my day job that setting cpu limits on containers is a bit of a silly idea too. Anyway, pod should be much snappier now 😅

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I had a play with LiveKit Agents Playground: KITT and I have to say it’s pretty impressive. Not the ChatGPT part of course, but the speech recognition and text to speech synthesis.

KITT is an AI voice assistant powered by LiveKit Agents, Deepgram, Eleven Labs, and ChatGPT. It is running on LiveKit Playground.

It’s too bad it relies on three cloud services, none of which can be run locally (with the exception of Ollama that you could replace the OpenAI component with).

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I’m putting all efforts to switch to Wayland on hold for another 2 years, minimum.

As we all know, writing a Wayland compositor from scratch is next to impossible. Luckily, there’s the wlroots project which aims to build a base library for this task. Basically every compositor except for GNOME and KDE uses it. (This is good! The less fragmentation, the better.)

wlroots is still very volatile, lots of changes with every release. Downstream users (i.e., the projects that write the actual compositor) have to constantly “chase” changes in wlroots. dwl, my favorite compositor at the moment, has recently switched their main branch to target the wlroots git version instead of the latest release. My understanding is that they have to do this in order to keep up with wlroots (maybe I’m wrong).

Everything is volatile and a moving target.

Why does any of this matter for me? Because I have to eventually fork dwl or at least keep a patch set, and I don’t have the stamina to constantly fiddle with this stuff. I’m running my own X11 window manager, it’s highly specialized, and using just “some Wayland compositor out there” is a huge step backward that I’m not willing to take. I tried, it’s just painful and annoying with zero benefits.

So … it was fun experimenting with Wayland a bit, but I’m now back to waiting for things to settle down considerably.

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📣 NEW: Added a new feature for pod operators to optionally configure. Compact Front Page.


When enabled will display only one post per feed on the unauthenticated Discover view (the front page).

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