@asquare@asquare.srht.site As far as jenny is concerned, it’ll create a thread. 😅 https://movq.de/v/207254756a/s.png
I’m a bit late to game this time, but I just went through my photos from last week. Leaves are definitely changing colors. https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-10-24/
I attempted to build a small try-square, but my metal working skills totally suck. I tried to flatten the metal blade with a file, but I didn’t reach my own goal. It’s not perfectly straight. The square is almost 90°, it shifted a wee bit when drilling the holes for the pins. Also, the blade is 0.1mm off of being parallel. I have to try again or simply just buy one.
Christmas trees in the shop: https://lyse.isobeef.org/tmp/tannenbaeume.jpg
Heck yeah, this is some amazing space porn from ESA! https://dlmultimedia.esa.int/download/public/videos/2024/10/023/orig-2410_023_AR_EN.mp4
A simple medium experiment
Time for the annual profile picture change. 😅
Second pixelart I drew this year, expecting my least active artist award soon! 💪🏆
I have just made yet another convoluted twtxt notifications script! Feeling like an old dog learning new tricks! 🤣
And they have arrived (well, they did around 3 hours ago, LOL). Buttery smooth, my 16 Pro (one with dark cover). It took a bit over an hour to transfer all my data.
Alright. My first mentions—which were picked not so randomly, LOL—are @prologic@twtxt.net, @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org, and @movq@www.uninformativ.de. I am also posting my first image too, which you see below. That’s my neighbourhood, in a “winter” day. Hopefully @prologic@twtxt.net will add my domain to his allowed list, so that the image (and any other further) renders.
Beginnings of a little notebook app. Doesn’t actually run any code yet. https://akkartik.name/images/20240917-notebook.png
@prologic@twtxt.net earlier you suggested extending hashes to 11 characters, but here’s an argument that they should be even longer than that.
Imagine I found this twt one day at https://example.com/twtxt.txt :
2024-09-14T22:00Z Useful backup command: rsync -a “$HOME” /mnt/backup
and I responded with “(#5dgoirqemeq) Thanks for the tip!”. Then I’ve endorsed the twt, but it could latter get changed to
2024-09-14T22:00Z Useful backup command: rm -rf /some_important_directory
which also has an 11-character base32 hash of 5dgoirqemeq. (I’m using the existing hashing method with https://example.com/twtxt.txt as the feed url, but I’m taking 11 characters instead of 7 from the end of the base32 encoding.)
That’s what I meant by “spoofing” in an earlier twt.
I don’t know if preventing this sort of attack should be a goal, but if it is, the number of bits in the hash should be at least two times log2(number of attempts we want to defend against), where the “two times” is because of the birthday paradox.
Side note: current hashes always end with “a” or “q”, which is a bit wasteful. Maybe we should take the first N characters of the base32 encoding instead of the last N.
Code I used for the above example: https://fossil.falsifian.org/misc/file?name=src/twt_collision/find_collision.c
I only needed to compute 43394987 hashes to find it.
And here the Tommos camp with Mum and Dad in the trailor at Myall Lakes.
Boy I could tell you some stories here, like the time we got dozens of spiders all in the tent one night, and the time Dad yelled to Bob to get the red belly black snake that crawled over Brains sleeping bag. Up I jump grab a shovel and cut the head off. silly me !! We camped out with all our partners too.
Karen was treated like family with the 5 siblings and Mum and Dad. It was a great time. Happy camping James on your birthday!
Here is a picture of me aged 1 yr in a bucket at Muttabun Sheep Station, a place near Goodooga in NSW.
And here is James with Emily as a very young boy
Here is a picture of Sunshine House in 1970, I am the tallest one at the back. The house got a new roof and some more bedrooms before you lived here after Belmont Hospital.
The potato shed is fully insect proof and the tender leaves are untouched and uneaten by beetles.
Great idea, will we get potatoes and can I grow them all year round… Have to wait and see…. More larger shade houses to build to keep the beetles out.
#August’s reading prompt is #SpinTheWheel and that’s that I did. The result: “Total Eclipse” is my #FridayReads !
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 35
Agora com texto e cartaz oficiais:
“Lançamento do livro |
MEMÓRIAS ACADÉMICAS – Liceu Nacional de Latino Coelho, de José Francisco Rica
A não perder, dia 6 de setembro, pelas 17h00, no salão nobre do Museu de Lamego.
A entrada é gratuita.”
#ARomariaDePortugal já começou, e não é coisa que costume divulgar, mas calha que este ano, no dia 6 de Setembro às 17h no Museu de #Lamego, vai decorrer o “Lançamento do Livro MEMÓRIAS ACADÉMICAS (Liceu de Lamego) de José Francisco Rica”, no qual participo com algumas das minhas memórias.
you’ll probably get an Error 1011 🤦 … just copy and paste the link in a new tab if you can Screenshot of neomutt running Jenny
@bender@twtxt.net My index formatting is intact, probably because I still haven’t figured out how to set up my terminal to show RTL text correctly! 😅 but hey, that won’t be a problem anymore, I don’t feel like twting in Arabic. Sorry for the inconvenience.
And here it is, the mandatory yearly #Extramuralhas picture of #Leiria’s #castle
How great some science people are, to find such a drug inside the soil of only one place in Japan
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 34
De regresso ao estúdio, com novidades planeadas para breve, fizemos uma pausa para um photoshoot.
Love the program James has given me, I just edited some 40 webpages from junk viewing to nice, in a few minutes per edit, as shown in the two programs both running in Windows Mode.
On the left is directly to the Webserver files On the right is the webpage running over the www
Really nice and easy to navigate.
Notice these never existed when the local host ran, but now they do because not all servers are the same
OK I found this one, small enough, but where does it install to? can’t find the app, of any files of anything.
Being a total novice to Linux stuff….where is this file located and why don’t they prompt you for a folder location of the program? And why such a stupid name? Dozens to choose from and most over 300MB, not what I want - I just want Apache to run the index.html webpage or the index.php webpage. I do not need Javascript or Java programming editors….