I wonder if I can do away with the followers follows mutes
tables and expect the client to actually filter Twts appropriately before Display? This would simplify the SqliteCache
considerably and also mean it would be agnostic of single-user or multi-user as that’s delegated to another layer. Hmmm 🧐
Whoohoo! 😇
This time, I brought my cam along. We checked out a piece of ex-forest they’ve cut down. It looks terrible now. :-( At least the spruce resin smell was nice. https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2025-03-27/
hmm @prologic@twtxt.net how did replying to lyse double up here?
Thank you @python_valencia@twtxt.python-valencia.es for letting me show you the secrets of a decentralised plain text social network like twtxt.
I hope you enjoyed the talk! ❤️🐍
The brokenness of the web can be examined by opening about:compat
in Firefox.
Lots and lots of workarounds for specific websites.
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz I have just opened the GIMP bug tracker (hosted at gitlab.gnome.org) and, I kid you not, they have deployed Anubis in front of it:
Thinking about adding a little “focus” feature to my window manager: It hides all but one window, no wallpaper, no bars.
It would turn this
into this
or this
into this:
I lost my original Windows 95 CD (and it’s too expensive for my taste to buy on eBay), so I finally sat down and got an old disk image of one of my PCs to work in QEMU.
I don’t intend to do much with Win95. I just want to be able to boot it, if I want to check how certain things worked or looked in that version. The purpose of this really is to be an archeological digsite.
My granddaughter will grow up much like me.
@david@collantes.us Tada, the reply context is now also shown above. It’s slowly coming together and reaching a state where I can actually use this as my daily driver I think. :-)
I now also implemented basic replying by hitting a
as in answering. What’s missing is automatically adding mentions in the message text template. That’s gonna be a bit more tricky, though.
Dang it, first attempt failed:
Somehow, my local feed cannot be opened to append to. I reckon, I have to resolve the tilde first:
I saw 100% I/O wait in htop today but couldn’t find a process which actually does I/O. Turns out, I/O wait isn’t what it used to be anymore:
In my case, it was mpd which triggered this:
mpd doesn’t actually do anything, it just sits there and waits for events. To my understanding, this is similar to something blocking on read()
. I’m not quite sure yet if displaying this as I/O wait (or “PSI some io”) is intentional or not – but it sure is confusing.
The rabbit hole is an interesting concept.
Business trips / Off-Sites can be rather exhausting 😴
Mosfets are rapid electronic switches, to feed pulsed frequency amps into a transformer
Maxwell Chikumbusto has invented how to make power from the air, using frequency amps to make a load work normally using power from the transient energy in the air.
Sandy Kidd and others are making two spinning wheels make trust, defying gravity. This should be possible but the angle is critical to get right. Such motions are complex, my picture is poor.
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz It’s there, but yarnd’s markdown library probably thinks that it’s some broken HTML and swallows it, not sure.
Bit of an update, there is now a general licence for all my stuff:
“Unless projects are accompanied by a different license, Creative Commons apply (“BY-NC-ND” for all art featuring the Canine mascot and “BY-NC” for everything else).”
It’s even included on my website, where most of the demand for a clear licence originated from:
In practice this changes nothing, as I was never enforcing anything more than this anyway and given permission for other use too. Now it’s just official that this is the baseline, of what can be done, without having to ask for permission first.
i’m going to k-pop-ify the yarn verse. everyone look at miyawaki sakura or i will uh do server magic to make your CPU run worse or something
Ich war auf der Ausstellung meines letztes Jahr verstorbenen BK-Lehrers. Er war ein ziemlich cooler Typ und guter Lehrer. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, müsste ich ihn in der 7. und vermutlich auch 8. Klasse gehabt haben. Seine Schelme waren hier im Landkreis und vermutlich darüber hinaus weit bekannt.
Bilderrahmenglas in Verbindung mit vergleichsweise dunkler Beleuchtung gibt leider keine gute Kombination mit meiner Kamera ab. Vorab entschuldige ich mich bereits für die zu wünschen übrig lassende Qualität. Nichtsdestotrotz habe ich ein paar witzige Bilder abfotografiert. Obacht, kann mitunter anzüglichen Inhalt enthalten: https://lyse.isobeef.org/siegfried-wagner-farrenstall-2025-03-15/
I spent this Monday afternoon back from work, drawing myself as the “you made it to Friday sailors” dog. Totally unrelated to the 3 hours wasted on meetings, pretending to discuss great suggestions from high management, nobody else wants to implement.
Link to OG meme: https://youtu.be/z8x3JS7pP14
@prologic@twtxt.net Looks great with the new logo.
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Next release will convert markdown to org syntax if you have Pandoc command installed 😎. Mentions are org links, for example.
@prologic@twtxt.net Looks great with the new logo.
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Next release will convert markdown to org syntax if you have Pandoc command installed 😎. Mentions are org links, for example.
Heute waren das Ziehkind und ich zwei Stunden lang auf drei Spielplätzen und quer durch die Stadt unterwegs. Ein riesiger Spaß!
Vorab habe ich im hiesigen Spielzeugladen ein Konvolut von Klemmbausteinen erstanden, welche wohl zu einer Polizeistation gehörten!?
Okay, I won’t park there.
What would you like the new twtxt logo to be?
Comments: https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/twtxt.dev/issues/9#issuecomment-18960
What would you like the new twtxt logo to be?
What would you like the new twtxt logo to be?
Some satisfying icicle-breaking in our backyard: photos.falsifian.org/video/sM7G3vfS6yuc/VID_20250217_203250.mp4
I couldn’t resist taking home a prize:
It’s been snowy here in #Toronto.
(I tried formatting the images in markdown for the benefit of yarn and any other clients that understand it.)
I have uploaded a new version of #twtxtel 🥳. It’s now possible to view profiles, either your own or others. #twtxt #emacs
I have infinite scroll now! I can finally focus on replies and mentions 😋
The impossible happened, and I actually drew something, second month in a row. Wanted to try drawing him standing, with some semblance of correct anatomy, without heavily referencing someone elses drawing, bring back the collar, darker “hair” and separate every different color, with a black line - for some kind of a more simplified look.
Heute war ich mit dem Ziehkind in der Stadt unterwegs.
Mitten beim Eisschlecken fährt die Polizei in einem zivilen Wagen quer durch die Fußgängerzone. An der Bank am Markt dann weitere Uniformierte und kein Einlass für Kunden.
Da mussten wir uns in der Stadtbibliothek erst einmal Material zu dem Thema besorgen.